Archive for the ‘False Prophet’ Category

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Flee from the false teacher

Have you ever wondered why Mark T. Barclay has to continually preach to his congregation about using drugs and other vices like pot smoking? Or have you wondered why you can’t break free from sins in your own life even after sitting under Barclay for 5 years to a decade or more? The truth is because you have been sitting under a false teacher with the wrong spirit and a different Jesus like the Mormons–full of false signs, revivals and wonders–which can’t sanctify.

“But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping….These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity“.  2 Peter 1:2, 17-19

Don’t let this reality slip from you–listen to the other Christians who have warned you about the heretic Mark T. Barclay and flee! False teachings will only cause you to wander around the desert for another 40 years or worse.

“Satan’s greatest ambassadors are not pimps, politicians, or power-brokers, but pastors. His priests do not peddle a different religion, but a deadly perversion of the true one. His troops do not make a full-out frontal assault, but work as agents, sneaking into the opposing army. Satan’s tactics are studied, clever, predictable, effective. Therefore, we must always remain vigilant. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:15-16a). -Tim Challies

Mark T. Barclay Ministries outside of Authentic Christianity

In closing and as said before–Mark T. Barclay has taught at least three of the most destructive Trinitarian heresies known to the Christian church and this is well documented and not only that, but has spread his heresy to other ministries associated under him. Barclay has taught that the Trinity is not actual persons, but that the Godhead is a three-part being and he has taught that the members were not eternally Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but changed. This is not only one of the most destructive Trinitarian heresies in the history of the Christian church, but it also an unholy attack on the Orthodox teaching on the Person of Christ, being fully God and fully man(hypostatic union)–thus, making his ministry and church a dangerous cult and outside authentic Christianity. ”

Video link to Mark T. Barclay Minsitries Cult here.

Mark T. Barclay: Pastor, Prophet…Pervert Part II by Ken Mattson

“Salvation by grace is evidenced by holy conduct: unless our lives are characterised by “good works” we have no warrant to regard ourselves as being the Children of God.”  A.W. Pink

handcuffsThere is nothing worse than hearing on the news of another minister caught in some sort of sexual sin—it not only hurts the local congregation and minister’s family, but it brings reproach to the name of Christ. Even worse it’s when the sexual sin is perverse and committed against young boys and youth group girls as in the case with the prophet Mark T. Barclay.  (His perverted boasting can be found here on youtube.)

Moreover, most ministers, youth pastors, deacons would have been fired for what Mark T. Barclay brazenly did(breaking into children’s Facebook and social media accounts and looking at their private photos, which were inappropriate and un-bloused)but he was never fired. What becomes evident is the huge underpinning of biblical integrity found in the Christian church is missing in Mark T. Barclay Ministries, even when he hypocritically calls himself a preacher of righteousness.

Under United States law, looking at unclothed young boys and girls is Child Pornography, not only that, but the peeping Tom-Mark T. Barclay also illegally accessed their social media accounts using some sort of hacking site or tool, which is also a crime.

The bottomline is that gross sin among ministers like the pervert Mark T. Barclay is a signal that something is seriously gone awry in his ministry—but an even greater problem is the lowering of standards done by his followers and ministers connected with him to accommodate Barclay’s sexual sin, because he should have been removed from ministry.

If casual Christians can lower the expectations on their leadership, they will be much more comfortable with their own sin. With lower moral standards, the church becomes more tolerant of sin and less tolerant of holiness. The “sinner-friendly” church is intolerable to God — that is a frightening condition.”  John Macarthur

Barclay’s Trinitarian heresies is the cause for his moral corruption

“Theological corruption is always prior to and explains moral corruption.“ -Albert Mohler

Mark T. Barclay has wickedly and repeatedly taught that God the Trinity is not actual 520px-Shield-Trinity-Scutum-Fidei-English.svgpersons as Christianity teaches, but has taught(as did the heretical Gnostics), that God is composed of parts and is a three-part being.[1]

Historically, if you add it up—Mark T. Barclay has taught at least three of the most destructive errors on the Trinity and the Person of Jesus Christ known to the Christian church—which in effect causes his church and ministry to be outside of Authentic Christianity, like other cults and false religions.

Moreover, Mark T. Barclay’s lack of godliness in the area of personal holiness is caused by theological corruption. As I wrote before, one can’t have good fruit without the Trinity—it’s just impossible Scripture and history shows us this to be true….

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” John 15:4

Further, Barclay should have been held accountable to higher standards of Scriptural integrity as a minister by his elders and his congregation, but that was never done and the voices outside his ministry that called him to truly repent from his major heresies on the Trinity weren’t heeded either.

There were others as myself, but there were no paid minister that I personally know of that publicly told him to repent for his error on the nature of God(The Trinity) within his circles in Michigan and this exemplifies the moral and theological weakness of the American church and this is why his horrible errors were allowed to spread as gangrene.

Thus while godliness was held to be synonymous with belief and truth, ungodliness was held to be synonymous with unbelief and error. This was the pattern for the Church’s struggle with heresy for the next three hundred years.”  The Trinitarian Faith by Thomas F. Torrance [2], [3], [4]

Mark T. Barclay’s Obsession with Voyeurism: Protect your young girls and boys

boys-1149665_1280More can be said here, but children need to be protected from Mark T. Barclay and his ministry– who will do anything that he asked without question(he has unquestionable authority), because they have given him a blank check to do anything he wants and it’s obvious that your young sons and daughters aren’t off limits to him.

My question on youtube was—why would he want to even look?

Frankly, this has been the case with Mark T. Barclay—which might even signal a mental or sexual disorder. His unhealthy obsession with voyeurism(which he calls ministry)into the lives of his followers over the years has been detailed in his books and sermons. But now it’s grown worse, because it’s become(brazenly)sexually perverted and he doesn’t even think there is nothing wrong with it—to the point of publicly boasting about it. Its become insidious!

Mark T. Barclay’s theological and sexual Perversions

Is Trinitarian heresy wrong as Barclay has repeatedly taught? Yes, it’s the result of apostasy(apostasy is a rebellion against God, because it’s a rebellion against the truth)—even having a wrong opinion on the nature of God is wrong and heresy on the Trinity or Christ will lead to the everlasting fire of eternal judgement, because it’s another gospel.

Is spreading Trinitarian heresy wrong as Barclay has done? Yes, God hates heresy, because it’s not the truth and it’s spreading another gospel.

Is breaking into someone’s Facebook wrong as Barclay describes he did? Yes, it’s a serious crime and called identity theft and criminal—holds a felony.

Is being a peeing Tom and peeping at young un-blouse and indecently clothed youth aged girls and boys wrong a Barclay details he did? Yes, it’s called Child pornography and everyone knows it’s a gross sin and crime against children and most pastors, youth pastors, elders would have been fired.

This is what the prophet Mark T. Barclay has pervertedly done without restraints in the name of his ministry….

“Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21

Barclay should be fired, prosecuted and put on the Sex Offender list

stop-1131143_1280A few years ago, after listening and watching Mark T. Barclay preach heretically on the Trinity and the Person of Jesus Christ—I wrote and recommended that he should take a break from ministry and get help for his doctrinal errors—well, that never happened.

The people around him that were supposed to be leaders didn’t understand the gravity of what was happening—I believe they thought that doctrine and theology were abstract to the Christian life, which it isn’t in anyway. On the contrary though, doctrine and life go hand in hand as Scripture teaches and any corruption in doctrine as the case with Mark T. Barclay is always a forehand to moral corruption.

“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.”  Ephesians 5:1-3


1.  Contrary to Mark T. Barclay and other cultic perversions of Scripture. The the doctrine of the Trinity is a Christian essential, bearing witness to the ontological reality of the one true God in three divine persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each of the same substance and perfections.

2. “As ‘man of God and a mighty trumpet of truth’ Athanasius’ both happily preserved the unity which belongs to the Godhead, and devoutly taught the Trinity which consists in personal relations, neither confounding the three Persons in the Unity, nor dividing the being among the three Persons, but remaining within the bounds of piety by avoiding excessive inclination or opposition to either side.”  The Trinitarian Faith by Thomas F. Torrance

3. “An outstanding mark of the Nicene approach was its association of faith with ‘piety’ or ‘godliness’ , that is, with a mode of worship, behaviour and thought that was devout and worthy of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This was a distinctively Christian way of life in which the seal of the Holy Trinity was indelibly stamped upon the mind of the Church. Godliness and theology, worship and faith, went inseparably together, with constant attention given to reverent interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, reverent use of the reason, and reverent ways of argument, in which there was no intrusion into the mystery of God or irreverent teaching about him.”  The Trinitarian Faith by Thomas F. Torrance

4. “An error in the doctrine of God will have inevitable consequences in the sphere of action, of moral behaviour, of the polity of the Church, and of basic culture and social organization. A change in the doctrine of the Trinity in either of these directions cannot help but have political consequences.” Joseph P. Farrell

3: Mark T. Barclay: Pastor, Prophet..Pervert video link:

Mark T. Barclay: Pastor, Prophet….Pervert by Ken Mattson

“The worlds greatest need is the personal holiness of Christian people.” JI Packer

The last few post, we have been talking about Mark T. Barclay and his Ministry along withpeeping-tom his partners illegal activity in False Impersonation and how they have setup a blog using my blog name, which most likely has costed them thousands of dollars—paid by Mark T. Barclay Ministries.

Further, they have copied the names of my post and tags on my post in order to confuse search engines like Google. Most likely only to protect Mark T. Barclay’s name from his terrible errors on the Trinity and the Person of Jesus Christ, which are rooted in Gnosticism and to sell more Barclay related materials such as books and mp3’s.

Well, this is only the tip of the iceberg because now their illegal activities involves much more—so in this post I’m calling it the “three P’s of Mark T. Barclay: Pastor, Prophet…Pervert.”

Mark T. Barclay and Identity Theft, Homosexuality and Child Pornography: The Peeping Tom

In his recent sermon here, Mark T. Barclay—the Tom, has made boasts about how he illegally gained access to many of his youth group aged boys and girls Social Media accounts—violated them through Identity Theft and False Impersonation and looked at their unbloused and inappropriate photos and also illegally posted photos of himself on their accounts.

In his sickness, the Tom describes that he(illegally)access their social media accounts, including Facebook and Twitter(as he describes)with the illegal help of a disciple of his who is high up in US law enforcement and investigation.

This is quite unsettling and you can even see some in the church feeling unsettled also in the video here, while the pervert Tom Barclay smiles and grins ear to ear, all along boasting about his illegal activities with youth girls and young boys—(which by the way most youth pastors, or deacons would be fired for such lewd activities!).

Moreover, let us not to forget this is a very illegal activity and carries prison sentences, because this is a case of Identity Theft and any viewing of a minor, even in their bra is Child Porn under US law and the way Mark T. Barclay details it—this youth aged girl was exposing herself with her blouse off and he was peeking.

Barclay’s history of control with the use Police and ongoing Sexual Violence against women  


“They are like unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like animals they too will perish. They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done.” 2Peter 2:12-13 (God will bring justice to hurt women.) 

The heretic has a history of using the police, which in these cases are actually crimes and are a breaches in Law Enforcement Conduct. This blog, in the past has received information from one of the readers of how the heretic used the Mount Pleasant Police Department in Michigan to enforce his cult’s rules through threats to cover up a horrible rape by one of his deacons, who committed one crime after another, while Barclay’s other deacons at the time, silenced anyone who spoke out.

The Trinitarian Shape of the Church and Godliness

“Thus while godliness was held to be synonymous with belief and truth, ungodliness was held to be synonymous with unbelief and error. This was the pattern for the Church’s struggle with heresy for the next three hundred years.”  The Trinitarian Faith by Thomas F. Torrance [1]

liarrsIn closing, Mark T. Barclay’s error and bad fruit is a result of his ongoing Trinitarian heresies, which is from his own deep rooted disobedience.[2] This is because the Doctrine of the Trinity holds the keys to all other doctrines in Scripture and when one has great errors on the Trinity as with the heretic Mark T. Barclay this results in ungodliness and error in all other doctrines and life.

To be frank, I think that this is only the tip of the iceberg and in the future we will see more of his ungodliness come to light, because of his Trinitarian heresies—one can’t have good fruit without the Trinity!

Lastly, if you were someone involved in Mark T. Barclay Ministries and feel like you have been violated, please tell your parents or someone at your school and go to the authorities because it’s against the law what he has done. And, parents if you feel that your son or daughters social media accounts have been compromised by Mark T. Barclay at one of their events—you should contact the police and let them run a check.


  1. “An error in the doctrine of God will have inevitable consequences in the sphere of action, of moral behaviour, of the polity of the Church, and of basic culture and social organization. A change in the doctrine of the Trinity in either of these directions cannot help but have political consequences.” Joseph P. Farrell

2.  “Obedience and knowledge go hand in hand”—Ken Mattson

3.    Mark T. Barclay: Pastor, Prophet..Pervert video link:

theological pants“But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.” Jude

If you don’t know or are wondering what the heretic Mark T. Barclay has taught, here’s is a summery:

In a nutshell, here’s what the heretic Mark T. Barclay has heretically taught.

1. The heretic Mark T. Barclay has Gnostically taught that God is made up of parts and is a three–part being.

2. He has taught that the Trinity is not individual persons (hypostasis) for he heretically states that: “We teach them sorta, kinda almost as three different people for the sake of teaching.”

3. Like the Jehovah Witnesses, the heretic has taught that in heaven God was Creator and not the Father. Thus, teaching an Arian concept of the person of the Father.

4. Against the Authority of Scripture which states that God doesn’t change, the heretic has heathanistically taught that God changed for human understanding.

5. The heretic Barclay’s radical false teachings on the Godhead, damages the orthodox and cardinal teaching of Christ’s hypostatic union, being fully and truly God and fully and truly man in one single divine person.

Like all other heretical groups, Mark T. Barclay Ministries, which includes Living Word Church and Invasion Youth Ministries, etc will say that they aren’t  a cult, but in reality they are indeed one and outside Authentic Christianity.


Mark T. Barclay: Red Letter Gnosticism by Ken Mattson

It’s an irrefutable fact that Mark T. Barclay is a heretic and builds his hermeneutical and exegetical fallacy in his book The Missing Red Letters on a major Trinitarian heresy, which heresy is historically rooted and grounded in the heresy of Gnosticism and has been condemned by the Christian church since the Apostles.

As we will see in this review, the Apostles and the early leadership of the Christian church opposed Mark T. Barclay’s Gnostic teachings on the Trinity, which heresy in short not only gave rise to other major Trinitarian heresies like Modalism and Arianism, but also influenced Islam after Arianism was rejected by the Eastern church. And like Islam, Mark T. Barclay rejects the Biblical and orthodox teaching that there is one God in three co-equal and eternal persons. [1][2]

What we will find out further in this review is that Mark T. Barclay like other heretics doesn’t know Scripture, even the simple words of Jesus Christ as most Sunday school children do and he stumbles over basic Christian doctrine. This not only makes him a false teacher, but his Trinitarian heresies place his church and ministry in a dangerous cult.

A Cult Defined

“A cult, then, is a group of people polarized around someone’s interpretation of the Bible and is characterized by major deviations from orthodox Christianity relative to the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith, particularly the fact that God became man in Jesus Christ.” –Walter Martin, The Rise of the Cults

If you don’t know already, Mark T. Barclay has taught at least three of the most destructive Trinitarian and Christological heresies in the history of the Christian church. In the opening chapter of this book, Barclay continues this sickening perversion and teaches that God is a three-part being and in other teachings he has evilly taught that God has changed and that the Godhead is not actual persons and heretically mixes up the roles of the divine persons. This places the message of this book in the deepest biblical error and is an insult to the Holy Spirit.

“Our God is a three-part being (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)”. Mark T. Barclay-The Missing Red Letters

The Importance of the Doctrine of the Trinity

Why is the Trinity important? Well, first of all, the doctrine of the Trinity regulates Christian worship and further it holds the keys to all other doctrines. This means that all other teachings in Scripture are inseparable from the doctrine of the Trinity and this is how basic and foundational the Trinity is to all teaching in Scripture. Or I will say it differently, the centrality of Christian teaching and worship is found in the Trinity and the orthodox teaching of the person of Jesus Christ that he is truly God and truly man. The confession of the Trinity is the throbbing heartbeat of the Christian church, “every error results from, or upon deeper reflection maybe traced to a wrong view of this doctrine”. [3] “The Church is truly Church in so far as it dwells in the Holy Trinity and embodies the truth of the Gospel in its empirical life and worship.” [4]

Barclay’s False Teachings in a Nutshell

In a nutshell, here’s what Mark T. Barclay has heretically taught.

  1. Mark T. Barclay has taught that God is made up of parts and is a three-part being.
  1. He has taught that the Trinity is not individual persons (hypostasis) for he heretically states that: “We teach them sorta, kinda almost as three different people for the sake of teaching.”
  1. Like the Jehovah Witnesses, has taught that in heaven God was Creator and not the Father. Thus, teaching an Arian concept of the person of the Father.
  1. He has wickedly taught that God changed for human understanding.
  1. Barclay’s heretical teachings on the Godhead, damages the orthodox and cardinal teaching of Christ’s hypostatic union, being fully and truly God and fully and truly man in one single divine person.

If Jesus is only a part and isn’t truly a person as with the other members of the Godhead, then he can’t be biblically God. This is how radically destructive Mark T. Barclay’s false teachings are to the orthodox understanding to the nature of the Trinity and to the Gospel, because Barclay like other heretics and cults destroys the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Simply put, salvation depends on a right formulation of Christ’s nature. This is why we can say that the Mormons and the Jehovah Witnesses for example have a different god and their Jesus can’t save. [5]

Christ’s Hypostatic Union.

Furthermore, the correct understanding of Jesus Christ is that he is God in the flesh and is one person with two natures, being truly man and truly God. Thus, we can unequivocally conclude through the objective truth of Scripture that Mark T. Barclay’s god like the Jehovah Witnesses is radically different than the God of Christianity and like other cults can’t save. [6]

The Orthodox and Biblical Understanding of the Trinity: “Tres personae, Una Substantia”

“The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Stated differently, God is one in essence and three in person. These definitions express three crucial truths: (1) The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons, (2) each Person is fully God, (3) there is only one God.” [7]

Barclay’s Error is Historically Rooted in Gnosticism.

What we find out its that Mark T. Barclay’s heresy on the Trinity and his destructive teaching on the Biblical understanding of Jesus Christ were refuted and condemned in the early church, because Barclay’s false teachings are historically pinpointed in time and space as Gnostic.

I have quoted this quote from Irenaeus before in connection with Barclay’s condemnation as a heretic, but this time I will unpack it and since this is a book review I think it’s appropriate.

Attacking the Gnostics, Irenaeus writes:

“But if they had known the Scriptures, and been taught by the truth, they would have known, beyond doubt, that God is not as men are; and that His thoughts are not like the thoughts of men. Far removed is the Father of all from those things, which operate among men, the affections and passions. He is simple, not composed of parts, without structure, altogether like and equal to himself alone. He is all mind, all spirit, all thought, all intelligence, all reason . . . all light, all fountain of every good..” Irenaeus, Against Heresies 2:13:3 (A.D. 189).

Further attacking the Gnostics and defending the one and undivided nature of God, Irenaeus writes:

“For if He produced intelligence, then He who did thus produce intelligence must be understood, in accordance with their views, as a compound and corporeal Being; so that God, who sent forth [the intelligence referred to], is separate from it, and the intelligence which was sent forth separate [from Him]. But if they affirm that intelligence was sent forth from intelligence, they then cut asunder the intelligence of God, and divide it into parts.” Irenaeus, Against Heresies 2:13:5

Church father Irenaeus goes on further and places Gnostic thought and heresy in the ancient doctrines of heathenism, which were taught by the philosophers.

He writes:

“These men (the heretics), adopting this fable as their own, have ranged their opinions round it, as if by a sort of natural process, changing only the names of the things referred to, and setting forth the very same beginning of the generation of all things, and their production.” Irenaeus, Against Heresies 2:14:1

He further writes:

This thought, too, these men have transferred to “the seed” of their Mother, which they maintain to be themselves; thus acknowledging at once, in the judgment of such as are possessed of sense, that they themselves are the offspring of the irreligious Anaxagoras”. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 2:14:2

Who was the philosopher Anaxagoras?  Well, a Greek philosopher. He believed that all matter was infinitely divisible and motionless until animated by mind. Thus, we can conclude a few things here about Mark Barclay’s Heresies:

  1. It’s an irrefutable fact that Mark T. Barclay’s teaching on the Trinity is Gnostic, being rooted and grounded in that heresy.
  2. Even with biblical names as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Barclay’s god being Gnostic is radically different than the biblical God who is triune in three persons.
  3. Barclay’s Gnostic heresy is time dated to just under a hundred years after the death of the Apostle John.
  4. Our information as we will see comes from the number one expert on Gnosticism, Irenaeus.

Who was Saint Irenaeus?

It’s important to note here that what we historically know about Gnosticism in the early Church comes from Church father Irenaeus himself. This is how important his apologetic work is to the Christian church. “He studied twenty of the most influential Gnostic writers and defined and criticized their beliefs. Other early church fathers, such as Tertullian and Origen also provide information regarding Gnostic beliefs.” [8] So who was Irenaeus? Well, he was taught by another Church father by the name of Polycarp who was the disciple of the Apostle of John. It is for certain that Irenaeus knew the teachings of the Apostles on the Trinity and knew the errors of the Gnostics. He spent his whole life attacking their false teachings.

Gnosticism Defined

What is Gnosticism?

“Gnosticism is a heresy which is made up of a diverse set of beliefs. It is the teaching based on the idea of gnosis (a Koine Greek word meaning “secret knowledge”), or knowledge of transcendence arrived at by way of internal, intuitive means.” [9]

Further, what we do know by history is that the Gnostics repudiated major Christian doctrines like the Trinity and the person of Jesus Christ.So again, we can see that Mark T. Barclay’s Jesus being a Gnostic and a false Jesus is radically different than the biblical Christ who is one person with two natures, being truly God and truly man.

Moreover, to refute these facts is to refute not only the Scriptural teaching of the Trinity and the person of Jesus Christ, but it’s also a rejection of historical reality itself, which is a dangerous thing that all members of cults do to their own eternal destruction. Thus, a god who is of three-parts can’t save anyone and is a false god, being an idol and breaks the Second Commandment of the Law.

Further, for arguments sake, someone wouldn’t say that America was founded on Communism. I’m sure, if someone came to you and told you that that you would tell them that they were lying and refute them with evidence, because everyone knows that the early settlers were Christians, and America was founded on Democracy and not Communism. So in the same sense we know that Mark T. Barclay’s heresies on the Trinity and the person of Jesus Christ are Gnostic, which factual truths are historical and this is irrefutable.

Barclay Teaches more Gnostic Error on the Trinity

In another message, Mark T. Barclay compounds his heresies with another assault on the Trinity and the person of Jesus Christ by teaching that God changed, which biblically is untrue, because God is holy and unchangeable. Further, Barclay in his ungodliness teaches that the phrase ‘persons in Trinity’ are only taught for teaching sake and the members of the Godhead are really parts.

“In Genesis Chapter 1, it defines the Trinity of God, the three parts of God. You are made by the way after his image, three parts” Mark T. Barclay further states that: “now these aren’t three different people. We teach them sorta, kinda almost as three different people for the sake of teaching.”

In the same message, he furthers his Gnostic blasphemy against the Spirit:

“Those that permit the Holy Spirit to be their Father. Those who will allow the Holy Spirit, remember he’s not a third Person, he is God made up of three parts just like…my son Josh and his soul is not some body else and his spirit is not someone else, and so I got to decipher. Now, there’s not three people, it’s just one Josh three parts. There’s not three Gods, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, he’s just one. He’s just got three parts. So this great Holy Spirit wants to father you.” Jesus, the Command Giver – Mark T. Barclay

Mark T. Barclay is showing his deception and lying here, when he states that we “teach them sorta, kinda almost as three different people for the sake of teaching.” The Christian church has never taught that God is a three-part being, because Scripture doesn’t teach it. The only ‘we’ who teaches that heresy is he, the Gnostics and other heretics. Barclay couldn’t be in more error on the Godhead!

Scripture Teaches Christ is the Exact Duplicate of the Father’s Person (Greek: Hypostasis)

Hebrews 1:3 states:  “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:” Authorized King James Version

If you notice, the writer of Hebrews describes Jesus Christ as the expressed image of the Father’s person (Greek: hypostasis). The Greek word ‘hypostasis’ is never translated as ‘part’. Unpacking it more, we can see that, “Christ is the “exact representation” (vs. 3, Gk. Charakter, “exact duplicate”) of the nature or being (Gk. hypostasis) of God—meaning that God the Son exactly duplicates the being or nature of God the Father in every way: whatever attributes or power God the Father has, God the Son has them as well.” [10]

Gill says:

“that the Father and the Son are of the same nature, as the sun and its ray; and that the one is not before the other, and yet distinct from each other, and cannot be divided or separated one from another……this intends much the same as the other phrase; namely, equality and sameness of nature, and distinction of persons; for if the Father is God, Christ must be so too; and if he is a person, his Son must be so likewise, or he cannot be the express image and character of him;” [11] So, summarizing what Scripture teaches on the Trinity:

  1. God is three persons.
  2. Each person is fully God.
  3. There is only one God

The Truth About Defamation and Slander

For those who have accused my apologetic work against Mark T. Barclay’s heresies as slander and defamation, you couldn’t be more wrong here, because the defense of the Trinity is the highest mark of Christian leadership in the Church. So in regards to defamation and slander, the truth is an absolute defense against slander and defamation. What does that mean? Well it means that true statements can’t be defamatory or slander and the truth is that Mark T. Barclay is a heretic and his Trinitarian and Christological heresies are historically rooted in Gnosticism. To deny that is to deny reality itself. If Barclay’s teachings on the Trinity weren’t heresies, then the Church leader Irenaeus who was the expert on Gnosticism wouldn’t have attacked it as such or even placed it in Gnosticism. But what we see is that Mark T. Barclay’s heresies on the nature of God and the nature of Christ were indeed Gnostic and condemned word for word by the Christian church.

Barclay’s Heresy Refuted by the Father of Orthodoxy

Further, we can see that Barclay’s heresies were refuted and condemned in the Church’s struggle with another heresy called Arianism, which chiefly rejected the deity of Jesus Christ. Saint Athanasius writes:

“God, however, being without parts, is Father of the Son without division and without being acted upon. For neither is there an effluence from that which is incorporeal, nor is there anything flowering into him from without, as in the case of men. Being simple in nature, he is Father of one only Son.” Saint Athanasius (Letter on the Council of Nicaea A.D. 350)

In his Discourses against the Arians he further writes:

“As we said above, so now we repeat, that the divine generation must not be compared to the nature of men nor the Son considered to be part of God nor the generation to imply any passion whatever; God is not as man; for men beget passibly, having a transitive nature, which waits for periods by reason of its weakness. But with God this cannot be; for He is not composed of parts, but being impassible and simple, He is impassibly and indivisibly Father of the Son.” Discourse 1:28 Against the Arians by Saint Athanasius

Athanasius Contra Mundum

In the Assembly of God Enrichment Journal, William P. Farley writes this about Athanasius’s leadership:

“Athanasius was born between A.D. 295 and 300. He was short and stocky, but what he lacked in physical appearance he made up for in fervent piety, holiness of life, penetrating intellect, and unusual gifts of leadership. In A.D. 321, on behalf of Bishop Alexander, Athanasius wrote the excommunication statement that banished Arius.” Herman Bavinck has this also to say: “Athanasius understood better than any of his contemporaries that Christianity stands or falls with the confession of the deity of Christ and of the Trinity.”  

Final Thoughts

So you see, Mark T. Barclay couldn’t be more eternally wrong on the Trinity and the nature of the person of Jesus Christ in the heretical teachings in this book and other places. This not only places his ministry in a cult, and him as a heretic, but it also acknowledges him as an apostate. As we will see in part two of this review, Barclay’s heresies on the Trinity and the Person of Jesus Christ, which are rooted in Gnosticism have detrimental ramifications on the message of the rest of this book.

One think comes to my mind when I reflect on the Apostles and the leadership of the Church fathers is that it becomes very evident that men like Chuck Seeley, Richard Jolliff and others like Al Leonhardt of the Assemblies of God are looking for leadership outside of Christianity and they found it in leadership that is rooted historically in the heresy of Gnosticism and this is irrefutable.

Why can I say that? Well, because true biblical leadership is found in the teaching of sound doctrine and the defense of the Trinity and the defense of the Person of Jesus Christ, which Mark T. Barclay hasn’t attained too, but has shown himself to be a Gnostic and a Trinitarian heretic.


So to conclude part one of this review we can affirmably say along which Scripture and the historical witness of the Trinitarian leadership of the Christian church that:

  1. Again, because of Barclay’s heresies on the Trinity and the Person of Jesus Christ his ministry and church is a cult.
  2. Barclay’s heretical teachings are a result of the rejection of the authority of Scripture, which heresies have been condemned by the Christian Church.
  3. Mark T. Barclay’s leadership is Gnostic and his heresies on the Trinity and the Person of Christ are rooted in that same heresy of Gnosticism and this is both historically and biblically irrefutable.


  1. “When the Quran is placed in the context of Syrian Christianity and the debates over Arian, Nestorian, and Monophysite Christology that wracked eastern Christianity in these centuries, its debt to Christianity becomes plausible. The Quran includes passages, for example, that reflect Syrian attacks on Monophysite Christology.”
  2. “There is also the superstition of the Ishmaelites which to this day prevails and keeps people in error, being a forerunner of the Antichrist. They are descended from Ishmael, [who] was born to Abraham of Agar, and for this reason they are called both Agarenes and Ishmaelites… From that time to the present a false prophet named Mohammed has appeared in their midst. This man, after having chanced upon the Old and New Testaments and likewise, it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, devised his own heresy. Then, having insinuated himself into the good graces of the people by a show of seeming piety, he gave out that a certain book had been sent down to him from heaven. He had set down some ridiculous compositions in this book of his and he gave it to them as an object of veneration.”
  3. Bavinck, The Doctrine of God, p. 285
  4. Thomas F. Torrance, The Trinitarian Faith
  5. William P. Farley, Athanasius and Nicea
  6. Hypostatic Union Defined:
  7. What is the Doctrine of the Trinity?
  8. Gnosticism:
  9. Ibid
  10. Grudem, Systematic Theology, God in three persons: The Trinity p. 236
  11. Hebrews 1:3 Commentary- John Gill

You can click here for the new Mark T. Barclay Ministries Cult video.

Mark T. Barclay Ministries Cult






About the new video:

Mark T. Barclay has taught at least three of the most destructive Trinitarian heresies known to the Christian church and this is well documented and not only that, but has spread his heresy to other ministries associated under him. Barclay has taught that the Trinity is not actual persons, but that the Godhead is a three-part being and he has taught that the members were not eternally Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but changed. This is not only one of the most destructive Trinitarian heresies in the history of the Christian church, but it also an unholy attack on the Orthodox teaching on the Person of Christ, being fully God and fully man(hypostatic union). Thus, making his ministry and church a dangerous cult.

Ken Mattson

Mark T. Barclay: Mental illness, Reality and the Trinity by Ken Mattson

“The largest subgroup to experience this problem is the combat veteran. In the United States, the Vietnam War has produced the largest percentage of PTSD cases. In fact, it was after studies of Vietnam veterans were added to studies of civilian post-trauma sufferers that the American Psychiatric Association created, in 1980, the diagnostic category: post-traumatic stress disorder (acute, chronic, and/or delayed).”

“The incidence of OCD in service personnel is uncertain. Most of the information comes from US studies which have typically looked at Vietnam veterans. Lifetime prevalence rates among Vietnam veterans range from 0.5% – 5.5% depending on severity of “war zone stress”. Veterans info

So does Mark T. Barclay as a Vietnam vet have some sort of mental illness? After years of writing on this theological blog, I recently started wondering if that might be the case.

If you listened to Barclay’s preaching and the testimonies of his associate ministers. They will begin to talk about how clean his vehicles are and preach of their strange but rather spiritual experiences when going into Mark T. Barclay’s bedroom and seeing his neat sock drawer. One of them went even as far as preaching after this bazaar event that his sock drawer experience that day was bible college.

To me and those who are reading this bazaar testimony. To even classify seeing someone’s tidy sock drawer and relating it to education in bible college is absolutely weirdo stuff! For certain, I can say that wasn’t bible college, the same as I can say that Mormon underwear aren’t holy. It’s just weirded out stuff! Almost relatable to seeing others in Mark Barclay’s congregation with identically oiled back hair like him.

So is this excessive cleaning behavior of Mark T. Barclay’s normal or a characteristic of holiness?

By all accounts it’s not normal and no, and it’s not even close to being biblical holiness nor righteousness. Any righteousness the believer has is always a direct result by Jesus Christ’s wonderful and saving work by grace and through faith alone by his imputed righteousness to the believing sinner. Being united with Christ’s vicarious death and resurrection, the sinners old nature is forever severed. Thus, the new believer desires righteousness and holiness and not excessive cleaning of outward material things like Mark T. Barclay and the pharisees.

From what I remember of the testimonies of Barclay’s bedroom in that sermon. There were no study books laying around or research papers for messages. But what was clearly evident from the testimony was that Mark T. Barclay spent hours and many hours on tidying his socks and meticulously coordinating them and placing them in his drawer.

To be frank, this type of behavior is clearly not normal, because normal people don’t behave strangely like this and certainly not ministers. It’s certainly not a characteristic of a man of God. But this compulsion sounds like a ‘mark’ of a mental disorder like OCD and one that might be caused from the Vietnam War.

“Compulsions are repetitive acts which an individual may perform incessantly in a rigid and stereotypical manner. They are often related to a particular obsession. For example, an individual with an obsessional fear of contamination may clean compulsively. Classically, compulsive rituals are performed to reduce anxiety or tension associated with the obsession.” Veterans info

The U.K Military, based on U.S medical research report goes on further and describes common compulsions as OCD.

“Common compulsions include: Cleaning. This may involve excessive hand washing or cleaning of surfaces, cutlery, crockery, etc. Counting. The person frequently counts to specific numbers, often in order to prevent some unspecified catastrophe.” Veterans info

Recently, one of the elders at Amazing Grace Church gave a testimony how Mark Barclay helped their churdog tagch after a leadership change, and from her own words, he sat them down as a marine. This was her actual wording of the event, a MARINE! That’s quite frightening, because Barclay wasn’t a soldier at the time. The war had been over for a few decades then and he was still functioning from their testimony like that of a jarhead.

So what do you think about this? Do you think it’s strange that Mark Barclay still acts like a soldier and calls himself a General? From Barclay’s bazaar sock drawer testimonies one can see that something isn’t healthy. Further, if you follow Barclay and are under him as a minister, do you think he is right in being obsessed with counting your tithe?

As you can see from the military reports and from Mark T. Barclay’s associated ministers testimonies that something isn’t right. The list goes on further like making sure the truck gas tank is always full and making sure it’s meticulously cleaned. And running his elder meeting like a cult with 2am meetings, which cause sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is a well documented tool of cults, because it’s an effective way of indoctrination.

Part two coming soon.

Next time, I want to write on reality and what is real. Reality is that the Christian church has condemned Mark T. Barclay as a heretic for teaching at least three of the most destructive Trinitarian heresies known to the Christian church. Barclay like other heretics and cults says this is not reality, but in Barclay’s words any defense of the Orthodox teaching on the Trinity is slander against him.

So, has Mark T. Barclay lost touch with reality? American democracy is a historical reality. Its development is well documented and so is the doctrine of the Trinity. The Christian church has the authority of Scripture against Barclay and other heretics like the Gnostics. That same authority of holy Scripture never once teaches that God is a three-part being as Barclay heretically teaches. It’s the history of the very words of the Church father’s who condemn Mark Barclay word for word through the Orthodox statements on the Trinity and the Person of Christ….this is not only reality, but it’s a well documented historical reality.

Updated: Aug, 12, 2014


This is just a side note, but I’ve been through the whole country of Vietnam and I’ve seen for myself the country and the ongoing affects of the war and it’s still not a pretty sight. I’ve recently talk to a guy in his 20’s from the country and he told me that it was his generation that suffered the most. After hearing more of what he said, I had to hold back my tears after hearing that, because I was in a public place.

Here is a new video that I made and will put it up other places soon and hopefully before Barclay tries suppressing the truth like other Trinitarian heretics.

It’s called Mark T. Barclay: Heresy on the Trinity.

Here is an alternative link. 

Mark T. Barclay: Sex, Lies, and Videotape

I wanted to do a new post to sum up a lot of what has been said in the last two years since I discovered that Mark T. Sex, Lies, VideotapeBarclay was teaching the most devastating Trinitarian and Christological heresies known to Christianity.

So, in doing so, I have divided it into three main themes: Sex, Lies, and Videotape. These themes reflect Mark T. Barclay’s leadership and legacy both in Mid-Michigan and the Word of Faith churches who follow his destructive teachings or associate him as a Prophet and their leader. 

As in regard to Mark T. Barclay’s Trinitarian heresies. For those who have been readers of this theological blog these heresies on the Godhead and the Person of Christ have been well documented and taken from Mark T. Barclay’s own national recorded teachings and writings, so they should be nothing new to you. But maybe a wake up call to those who don’t know!

These destructive heresies are things that Barclay has taught over and over on National Television and which have been uploaded by his church to Word-faith sites and linked from Twitter and other social sites.

So let’s begin…..LIES. Well, this has been an ongoing fruit of Mark T. Barclay’s cultic ministry in Mid-Michigan and abroad. From using a fraudulent cult expert to verify that his ministry wasn’t a ‘cult’ and to recently lying on Twitter that his ministry has always taught God’s people about the Trinity and that he has always held to an Orthodox understanding of the Godhead.

The truth is that Mark T. Barclay has falsely taught that God changed and blasphemed the Holy Spirit by teaching that Spirit is not a Person nor the third person in the Holy Trinity. And beyond that, evilly collapsed the ontological Trinity into parts resembling his son Josh, which is flat out idolatry! Thus, breaking the First and Second Commandments by his heresy.

Those that permit the Holy Spirit to be their Father. Those who will allow the Holy Spirit, remember he’s not a third Person, he is God made up of three parts just like…my son Josh and his soul is not somebody else and his spirit is not someone else, and so I got to decipher…Now there’s not three people, it’s just one Josh three parts. There’s not three Gods, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, he’s just one. He’s just got three parts. So this great Holy Spirit wants to father you.” Jesus, the Command Giver – Mark T. Barclay

One of the greatest tragedies of this heresy is that the people who have wrote to this blog, and who have defended Mark T. Barclay’s position on the Trinity perceive that there is no difference between a part and a divine person. This is how heretically confused his followers and associated leaders are on basic doctrinal Christianity.

The factual truth is that Mark T. Barclay has not just lied to men on Twitter concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity and his teachings on the Person of Christ, but he has lied to God the Holy Spirit. How can I say this? Because it’s an over obvious Trinitarian heresy and it has been VIDEOTAPED…..recorded, thus well documented.

Let me use an example to illustrate this point. How did America know that former President Bill Clinton was having an affair with Monica Lewinsky when he publicly denied it? Well, it was from the evidence and much of it was from recorded evidence that the former President was not telling the truth.

In the same way we can know that Mark T. Barclay has lied concerning his credibility on the Evangelical Doctrine of the Trinity on his Twitter. Why can I say that? Because his track recorded speaks differently and his own recorded teachings already tell what he has been teaching concerning the Person of Christ and the Trinity and what he has taught is heretically and evil. So much so, that the Church Father’s condemned Barclay along with Arius and Sabellius as heretics.

Mark T. Barclay like all other false prophets can say what he wants to say. But the truth in the matter of his teaching on the Trinity and the Person of Jesus Christ speaks differently, because he has taught the worse Trinitarian and Christological heresies known to the Christian church.

I don’t know if his followers can handle the truth or do they really know how to judge the truth and contrast it in the person of their leader with the Law of God and sound Evangelical Doctrine. I write that, because many think he is infallible, because Barclay lies and acts that he is so.

If, Mark T. Barclay wasn’t a heretic nor a false prophet. He should have come out and publicly repented for his evil teachings on the Trinity and the Person of Jesus Christ and taken the time away from his teaching ministry to get help to rectify his cultic patterns of ministry and should have corrected the heresies in his sermons, and books.

But what was witnessed on Twitter was not so and Barclay tweeted that he has never believed differently and has always taught the Orthodox Doctrine of the Trinity. Which is a great contrast from the factual truth found in his past heretical sermons, books and teachings on the Godhead. Thus by his own lies on Twitter Mark T. Barclay again confirms who he is, being a heretic and a false prophet.

If you are following Mark T. Barclay then, I’d be very careful! Because he is a deceiver and can’t be trusted. Here we have a self-titled ‘so called man of God’, ‘prophet’, ‘general’, ‘leader’ that can Tweet one thing about himself. Which by record we know isn’t factually true, but are flat out lies about his credibility, and doctrinal integrity and we know this from what he has taught.

And on top of that to beg, ask, demand with blessings or cursing, manipulate his followers finances through Shepherding and Prosperity teachings for money from tithes, offerings, and more offerings. Only to use their money to further his lies and evil teachings on the Godhead and the Person of Jesus Christ. And not only that to used their money to support his jet and materialistic lifestyle of himself and his wife.

In Mark T. Barclay a great heretic and liar is exposed! If a guy can lie about the Rule of faith, which is the Trinity. Then he can lie about anything including his education, prophecies, lifestyle, ministry activity, etc..

And finally, we get to SEX and this is where I come to to Ed Dufrasne. Who upon Dufrasne horrific death Mark T. Barclay tweeted,A great champion is now in Heaven. We’ll miss Dr. Ed Dufresne and his mantle to help humanity.”

I don’t think there is a more morally corruptible minister in Mark T. Barclay’s circle of leaders than the now deceased Ed Dufrasne and this is the man who Barclay calls a champion. Before his death, Mr. Dufrasne conducted the marriage of his long time “son in the faith pastor”, who incestuously married his own daughter in law. Which incest began when the daughter in law was taking care of the dying pastor’s wife, while the pastor’s son was away serving as a soldier.

In his book called The Prophet: Friend of God, Ed Dufrasne writes: “Some are arguing about the Trinity. How is that going to equip you to help people?” Crazy right? I think Mr. Dufrasne forgot that the Holy Spirit is………. “HOLY”. Defrasne has the audacity to question the importance of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity and then commit such an unholy act in marrying two people in outrages sin and didn’t think nothing of it.

And on top of that Mark T. Barclay never questioned, nor corrected such unthinkable act, but called him a champion and one who helped humanity. I guess, what Mark T. Barclay means is that Mr. Dufrasne helped humanity sin in outrages ways. 

We can write further about other men in Mark T. Barclay’s circles like Richard Jolliff of Amazing Grace Church in Wheeler, Michigan. Who has raised a homosexual leader now who is evangelizing youth at CMU and now Richard is not only pastoring the Church, but pastoring youth even after nurtured someone who resembles Sodom.

For someone like myself who spent 16 years in youth ministry. I can say that would have been unfathomable and wouldn’t have never happened under the watch of the youth pastors that I served with. But this is the manifestation of the corruption that is happening in the Word-faith Church. Where corruption like Ed Dufrasne is common with leaders in Mark T. Barclay’s Word-faith circles. Bishops, pastors, so called prophets are living like pimps and gangsters with lavish lifestyle from offering moneys and having sex with whole families. 


Image grabbed from and used only for critisim, educational use

Image grabbed from and used only for critisim, educational use


A somewhat positive development has happened, so it seemed.

It seemed like Mark T. Barclay was changing his heretical position on the Orthodox doctrine of the Trinity, because on his twitter was tweeting Orthodox statements on the Trinity the last few days.

 Now he is saying on Twitter that he has always believed in the Trinity, but we know that isn’t the case with him, because his Trinitarian heresies are well documented. Not only that, but his books and teachings in whole aren’t Trinitarian.

This makes me wonder if Mark T. Barclay really knows the difference between truth and error and I think you should be asking the same question. Does he even hate error, even his own heretical error? This is what separates a man of God from other leaders and this is called holiness. Or is Mark T. Barclay just good at pointing things out in others for a righteous ‘show’.

All through out Saint Athanasius’s writings against the Arians and his writings to the Council of Nicaea he addresses Barclay’s heresy. That’s not a good think to be in the crosshairs of the Father of Orthodoxy addressing him and the Arians for their shared errors!

The frightening thing about Mark T. Barclay like all like him. They say that they believe something but go out and teach thee worst Trinitarian and Christological heresies known to the Church as in the case of Barclay. Whereas, the Jehovah Witnesses, we know what they believe, because flat out most of the time they will tell you.

But then again, in the case of Mark T. Barclay it’s his own credibility that is being ruined from his own apostasy. Because his statements are not true and people know that and the ministries that come to this site for info can see that. Barclay has not always held to an Orthodox understanding of the Trinity and he should admit his great theological errors that lead to his apostasy instead of otherwise.

TD Jake’s journey to Trinitarianism is much different. It’s been one of repentance in humility and he is still on that journey. This is quite different from Mark T. Barclay, much different. Barclay reminds me of a kid who got caught stealing cookies, while pulling his hand from the cookie jar, cries, “I didn’t do it!”. People know better. The only people who don’t know better are deceived or are liberals who don’t care about sound doctrine.

Let it not be forgotten that in regards to Mark T. Barclay, we are not only talking about heresy, but apostasy. If he really has an Orthodox understanding of the Trinity and the Person of Christ then time will tell, because it will be in the fruit of his teachings. But it’s a deceitful lie for him to say that he has always believed in the Trinity as the true Church does, because his track record tells otherwise. True faith is never without works….

“They do not seem to recognize the wickedness, the confusion and the heinousness of error. They appear to regard truth and error with equanimity. They do not have that holy love of truth and equally holy hatred of error that would secure them against apostasy.”



Updated: 11-02-2014