Mark T. Barclay: Pastor, Prophet….Pervert by Ken Mattson

“The worlds greatest need is the personal holiness of Christian people.” JI Packer

The last few post, we have been talking about Mark T. Barclay and his Ministry along withpeeping-tom his partners illegal activity in False Impersonation and how they have setup a blog using my blog name, which most likely has costed them thousands of dollars—paid by Mark T. Barclay Ministries.

Further, they have copied the names of my post and tags on my post in order to confuse search engines like Google. Most likely only to protect Mark T. Barclay’s name from his terrible errors on the Trinity and the Person of Jesus Christ, which are rooted in Gnosticism and to sell more Barclay related materials such as books and mp3’s.

Well, this is only the tip of the iceberg because now their illegal activities involves much more—so in this post I’m calling it the “three P’s of Mark T. Barclay: Pastor, Prophet…Pervert.”

Mark T. Barclay and Identity Theft, Homosexuality and Child Pornography: The Peeping Tom

In his recent sermon here, Mark T. Barclay—the Tom, has made boasts about how he illegally gained access to many of his youth group aged boys and girls Social Media accounts—violated them through Identity Theft and False Impersonation and looked at their unbloused and inappropriate photos and also illegally posted photos of himself on their accounts.

In his sickness, the Tom describes that he(illegally)access their social media accounts, including Facebook and Twitter(as he describes)with the illegal help of a disciple of his who is high up in US law enforcement and investigation.

This is quite unsettling and you can even see some in the church feeling unsettled also in the video here, while the pervert Tom Barclay smiles and grins ear to ear, all along boasting about his illegal activities with youth girls and young boys—(which by the way most youth pastors, or deacons would be fired for such lewd activities!).

Moreover, let us not to forget this is a very illegal activity and carries prison sentences, because this is a case of Identity Theft and any viewing of a minor, even in their bra is Child Porn under US law and the way Mark T. Barclay details it—this youth aged girl was exposing herself with her blouse off and he was peeking.

Barclay’s history of control with the use Police and ongoing Sexual Violence against women  


“They are like unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like animals they too will perish. They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done.” 2Peter 2:12-13 (God will bring justice to hurt women.) 

The heretic has a history of using the police, which in these cases are actually crimes and are a breaches in Law Enforcement Conduct. This blog, in the past has received information from one of the readers of how the heretic used the Mount Pleasant Police Department in Michigan to enforce his cult’s rules through threats to cover up a horrible rape by one of his deacons, who committed one crime after another, while Barclay’s other deacons at the time, silenced anyone who spoke out.

The Trinitarian Shape of the Church and Godliness

“Thus while godliness was held to be synonymous with belief and truth, ungodliness was held to be synonymous with unbelief and error. This was the pattern for the Church’s struggle with heresy for the next three hundred years.”  The Trinitarian Faith by Thomas F. Torrance [1]

liarrsIn closing, Mark T. Barclay’s error and bad fruit is a result of his ongoing Trinitarian heresies, which is from his own deep rooted disobedience.[2] This is because the Doctrine of the Trinity holds the keys to all other doctrines in Scripture and when one has great errors on the Trinity as with the heretic Mark T. Barclay this results in ungodliness and error in all other doctrines and life.

To be frank, I think that this is only the tip of the iceberg and in the future we will see more of his ungodliness come to light, because of his Trinitarian heresies—one can’t have good fruit without the Trinity!

Lastly, if you were someone involved in Mark T. Barclay Ministries and feel like you have been violated, please tell your parents or someone at your school and go to the authorities because it’s against the law what he has done. And, parents if you feel that your son or daughters social media accounts have been compromised by Mark T. Barclay at one of their events—you should contact the police and let them run a check.


  1. “An error in the doctrine of God will have inevitable consequences in the sphere of action, of moral behaviour, of the polity of the Church, and of basic culture and social organization. A change in the doctrine of the Trinity in either of these directions cannot help but have political consequences.” Joseph P. Farrell

2.  “Obedience and knowledge go hand in hand”—Ken Mattson

3.    Mark T. Barclay: Pastor, Prophet..Pervert video link:

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