Archive for September, 2013

Mark T. Barclay: Accusations by way of Ad Hominem, by Ken Mattson

Ad hominem

1. appealing to one’s prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one’s intellect or reason.

2. attacking an opponent’s character rather than answering his argument.

Definition from

I have been meaning to address this this accusation for a while. I even wanted to do a podcast for this one, but I never got around in having enough time and my 2010 Macbook decided to finally quit. So, I was left to do blogging for the last 8 months on Windows until I received my new Macbook a few weeks ago.

Do I hate Mark T. Barclay? 

For one, I think this is a stupid question, but then again in the mind of his followers, it may be a legible one.

Though on the contrary, I certainly don’t do this blog out of hate for anyone and not even hate for false prophet as Mark T. Barclay or even other cults like the Latter Day Saints. But I blog out of the commandment to contend for the faith.

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” Jude 1:3

One of the questions that I’ve personally had and it’s been a rhetorical one so far is why hasn’t anyone else said anything about Barclay’s heretical teaching on the Orthodox Doctrine on the Trinity?

Even though that question has been rhetorical, from what I’ve seen in reality is that most Christians who know better, would rather Facebook about American right wing politics, than do any kind of apologetic work that would overtime help the Church in Mid-Michigan and further in the United States.

When I first wrote about the Captivity of Amazing Grace Church, I wrote this:

“Just as a donkey spoke to the false prophet Balaam, so to do donkeys speak to Mark T. Barclay today, but these donkeys are only analogous to the dumbness of the animal. The donkeys I am referring to are the men who I have mentioned before in Barclay’s own Preacher of Righteousness Network. These men are theological anorexics who flatter Barclay even as he is in deep error.”

While I still think that statement is true. I think it’s even worse, because of the radical acceptance of heresy that runs across the board in regards to the prophet ministry of Mark T. Barclay.

Helps Ministry

Helps Ministry

These men who have been trained by Mark T. Barclay are absolute stupids in Pauline terms! For many of the men can’t think theologically beyond cleaning toilets in the help’s ministry at Barclay’s own church….(Yes, they are theologically dumb as the back side of Balaam’s donkey!)

So the reality is when this blog wrote with concise examples about how Mark T. Barclay by his own evil has not only categorically denied the Trinity, but has taught heretically on this central doctrine. These men have the extreme audacity to come back and say that he has done differently. Well, it’s an astonishing show of their absolute ignorance of basic Biblical Christianity….!

“We call him Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. You are made after the image of God. You are a spirit…you have a soul…you live in a body. God’s a three-part being. Humans were created by God in Eden as a three-part being.” Mark T. Barclay-The names of God part two.

These men show knowing more about Mark T. Barclay’s ‘neat’ sock drawer, than Christian doctrine!(And they have the nerve to called that bible college). I mean, for Pete’s sake, when was having a tidy sock drawer an character of a man of God? I thought it was sound doctrine! Well, Gandhi, probably had a perfect sock drawer, if he even wore socks that is…

But on a more serious note, this coincides with one recent poll reported that atheist and agnostics know more about the Bible and Christian doctrine much better than Evangelicals. Mormons and Jewish believers came in second place. From the standpoint of this blog and from my interaction with Mark T. Barclay Preacher of Righteousness network leaders. I’d say the ignorance is even worse with men who are under Barclay’s leadership.

For example in Mark T. Barclay’s Minister of Righteousness Network, we can see this from the teachings of Chuck Seeley, who also is a Mayor of Breckenridge, Michigan. Not only is he a mayor, but he is also the worship leader at Amazing Grace Church.

I used Charlie, because his views reflect the great evil by way of false teachings that have come out of Amazing Grace Church in Wheeler, Michigan, which is under Mark T. Barclay’s leadership. For Chuck Seeley, will point blank tell anyone that Pelagius was a christian saint.

I personally know this, because I heard Richard Jolliff teach it and I confronted Chuck Seeley privately through email and Seeley emphatically wrote me back that Pelagius was indeed a saint and not a heretic. Even though in reality, every bit of history describes Pelagius and Pelagianism differently.

Pelagius (354 – 420?) a British monk famous for his piety, but declared a heretic for denying original sin.

Who was Pelagius? He was a preacher of righteousness and very moral like Gandhi, but don’t let his morality preaching fool you. Pelagius was an evil heretic and condemned by more Church councils than any other heretic in the history of Christianity.

And not only condemned heretic, Pelagius’s teachings are behind the most heinous crimes in the history of humanity. Like the ones committed byhitler Nazi Germany against God’s chosen people, the Jews, the child medical experiments at Auschwitz and all the other horrors of World War II were all spawned from the man Pelagius who Chuck Seeley heretically teaches was a saint.

William P. Farley writes for the Assembly of God’s Enrichment Journal:

The opposite is also true. Failure to emphasize the doctrine of sin usually amplifies evil. The better we feel about ourselves the worse we usually become. In the 20th century, Pelagian ideals have unleashed untold horrors. All the utopian movements of the last 100 years — Communism, Fascism, and Nazism — started and built on Pelagian assumptions about man.

So as a minister and mayor, why would Chuck Seeley teach that Pelagius was a saint even when Pelagian ideas were behind Nazism? It’s the same horrible reason why Richard Jolliff of the same church would let Mark T. Barclay act like Hitler in the damnation of Protestant Christianity at Amazing Grace Church.

It’s an example of their great darkness that works against the Church and humanity. Men who are led by the spirit of error along with their leader and prophet Mark T. Barclay. Men, proven to have no regard for Biblical Christianity. Openly teaching evil so great that it’s not only heretical in regards to the Trinity, but it’s also murderous in regards to God’s people!

Children medical experiments

Children medical experiments, Auschwitz

Without doubt and by facts alone we know what these men teach by the simple truth of what they teach. It’s not rocket science here! The sad thing is that it’s obvious that Mark T. Barclay’s followers don’t read the bible. Nor are they submitted to the authority of Scripture, because they are unable to recognize great error even on basic Biblical doctrines as the Trinity.

The truth is that Mark T. Barclay’s teaching on the Trinity is evil. For he teaches that the one God doesn’t eternally exist as three distinct persons-the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  But instead Barclay teaches that God is made up or composed of parts, which is heretical and is the worse Trinitarian heresy in the history of Christianity.

“His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person.” Hebrews 1:2-3 KJV

Frankly, there is no way that any verse in regards to the Godhead can be rendered as “parts” or a “part”, because it would have been translated so by the New Testament translators.  We can easily make this conclusion, because even the Authorized Version doesn’t support such aweful hermeneutics as in Mark T. Barclay’s heresy….

And the express image of his person; this intends much the same as the other phrase; namely, equality and sameness of nature, and distinction of persons; for if the Father is God, Christ must be so too; and if he is a person, his Son must be so likewise, or he cannot be the express image and character of him.Bible Study Tools

It’s just more proof directly from Scripture itself that Mark T. Barclay is in deep heretical error and is worshiping and prophesying by a different Christ who is not the Father’s express image of His “person”.

The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Orthodox doctrine of the Person of Christ is not a Calvinist doctrine though it’s held by Calvinist believers, nor is the Trinity just a Pentecostal or Charismatic doctrine! But it’s a shared doctrine by the Church.

So, when this blog or any other theologian writes about the Doctrine of the Trinity, we end up quoting a vast range of theologians and pastors from all across the Body of Christ, space and time. Because of this, we can say that the defining doctrines that separate the Kingdom of Christ from the Kingdom of Cults are these central doctrines of the Trinity and the Person of Christ.

And on top of that, we need to quote what Scripture has stated, because as we can see. Mark T. Barclay’s teaching on the Trinity is not for one second supported by Scripture alone nor by Christian orthodoxy and historically has been condemned as heresy.

Most bankers will know a counterfeit dollar bill from a real dollar bill by what it feels like. And in a very similar way by comparison, we know that beyond a shadow of doubt that Mark T. Barclay is a counterfeit and a great liar, along with being a heretic by what he falsely teaches and prophesies.

In other words, just as counterfeit bills can be identified by those who used them. We, also know that Mark T. Barclay when compared to the hitler-e-mussoliniChurch’s orthodox teachings and the Bible concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity and the Person of Christ that Mark T. Barclay is a counterfeit.

In closing, Barclay and his faithful my use ad hominems against this blog and blogger, but it doesn’t change the truth that he is a heretic and his ministry is a dangerous cult. And that goes also for other men in Barclay’s Preacher of Righteousness network like Chuck Seeley.

As we’ve seen above, Pelagius was no saint, but he was a heretic, and historically a condemned heretic and his teaching is responsible for the Third Reich and the medical experiments on jewish children and the murder of millions of God’s people under Hitler’s Germany.