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You can click here for the new Mark T. Barclay Ministries Cult video.

Mark T. Barclay Ministries Cult






About the new video:

Mark T. Barclay has taught at least three of the most destructive Trinitarian heresies known to the Christian church and this is well documented and not only that, but has spread his heresy to other ministries associated under him. Barclay has taught that the Trinity is not actual persons, but that the Godhead is a three-part being and he has taught that the members were not eternally Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but changed. This is not only one of the most destructive Trinitarian heresies in the history of the Christian church, but it also an unholy attack on the Orthodox teaching on the Person of Christ, being fully God and fully man(hypostatic union). Thus, making his ministry and church a dangerous cult.

Ken Mattson

Billy Graham“The Bible teaches that God is actually three Persons. This is a mystery that we will never be able to understand. The Bible does not teach that there are three Gods –but that there is one God. This one God, however, is expressed in three Persons. There is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.”

 “The Second Person of this Trinity is God’s Son, Jesus Christ. He is co-equal with God the Father. He was not a Son of God but the Son of God. He is the Eternal Son of God –the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, God manifested in the flesh, the living Savior.” Peace with God by Billy Graham, Page 89.

 The above quote is from Reverend Billy Graham, who is the most celebrated Evangelical of our time. Throughout Graham’s books and preaching of the Gospel there is always an underlying Trinitarianism as seen above.

 So in this post, I want to point out further the distinctions between the Orthodox doctrine of the Trinity and Mark T. Barclay’s Trinitarian heresy . Or in other words, I want to show again how drastically different Mark T. Barclay’s god is being a three-part being and not Persons in Trinity as he teaches. And by contrast continue to show that Mark T. Barclay is worshipping a different god than Christianity.

Though on Twitter, Mark T. Barclay says he believes in the Trinity, but when Barclay’s actual teachings and sermons on the Trinity are contrasted with Billy Graham and Christian orthodoxy, this is apparently not so.

“Those that permit the Holy Spirit to be their Father. Those who will allow the Holy Spirit, remember he’s not a third Person, he is God made up of three parts just like…my son Josh and his soul is not somebody else and his spirit is not someone else, and so I got to decipher…Now there’s not three people, it’s just one Josh three parts. There’s not three Gods, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, he’s just one. He’s just got three parts. So this great Holy Spirit wants to father you.” Jesus, the Command Giver – Mark T. Barclay

 Subsequently, like all other trinitarian heretics. Not only does Barclay deny such Orthodoxy held by Evangelicals as Billy Graham, but destroys it through his heretical teachings on both the Trinity and the Person of Jesus Christ.

 Thus, Mark T. Barclay’s own falsehood is just part of his masquerade to get people to believe a lie by clothing his false messages on the Trinity with the language of Scripture. And another way to get more money to pay for his jet and other over expenditures and for people to think he is a genuine a leader and an Evangelical.

 One would have to be Scripturally stupid to believe Mark T. Barclay after listening to him teach on the Doctrine of the Trinity. I say stupid, because this is the language of Scripture to all who receive a false gospel.

 Why did I say gospel? Well, because a God who is composed of parts is not the God of the Lord Jesus Christ and a god composed of parts as Mark T. Barclay’s can’t save.

 God, however, being without parts, is Father of the Son without division and without being acted upon. For neither is there an effluence from that which is incorporeal, nor is there anything flowering into him from without, as in the case of men. Being simple in nature, he is Father of one only Son” Saint Athanasius (Letter on the Council of Nicaea A.D. 350)

 One of the words used by Saint Athanasius in the above quotes that immediately condemns Mark T. Barclay’s heresy is the word “incorporeal”. What does incorporeal mean? It means that God does not have a body and is not composed of parts, and certainly not a three-part being as Barclay teaches.  

Thus, God is spirit as the Bible teaches and it’s absolutely unscriptural and heretical for Mark T. Barclay to teach who the Trinity is composed of parts like his son Josh and not distinct Persons. “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

 Why is the Trinity important? Well, first of all it’s important, because it’s God’s own identity and the Doctrine of the Trinity, and along with the Doctrine on the Person of Christ regulates true worship.

 The Doctrine of the Trinity is so important that it separates true worship and false worship and it separates Christianity from cults. Clearly, Mark T. Barclay, being a heretic is worshiping another god who is a trinity of parts.

 “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted.” 2 Cor 11:3-4

“Something has emerged in my walk with God that has become the most important element of my discipleship. It has become the thing that sustains me, that feeds me, that keeps me steady when I am shaky. I have come to see God, to know Him, to relate to Him as Three-in-One, God as Trinity, God as Father, Saviour, and Holy Spirit. God has given to me over the years a vision of Himself as Three-in-One, and the ability to relate to God in that way is the single most important fact of my Christian growth.”  The Magnificent Three by Nicky Cruz

Mark T. Barclay: Accusations by way of Ad Hominem, by Ken Mattson

Ad hominem

1. appealing to one’s prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one’s intellect or reason.

2. attacking an opponent’s character rather than answering his argument.

Definition from

I have been meaning to address this this accusation for a while. I even wanted to do a podcast for this one, but I never got around in having enough time and my 2010 Macbook decided to finally quit. So, I was left to do blogging for the last 8 months on Windows until I received my new Macbook a few weeks ago.

Do I hate Mark T. Barclay? 

For one, I think this is a stupid question, but then again in the mind of his followers, it may be a legible one.

Though on the contrary, I certainly don’t do this blog out of hate for anyone and not even hate for false prophet as Mark T. Barclay or even other cults like the Latter Day Saints. But I blog out of the commandment to contend for the faith.

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” Jude 1:3

One of the questions that I’ve personally had and it’s been a rhetorical one so far is why hasn’t anyone else said anything about Barclay’s heretical teaching on the Orthodox Doctrine on the Trinity?

Even though that question has been rhetorical, from what I’ve seen in reality is that most Christians who know better, would rather Facebook about American right wing politics, than do any kind of apologetic work that would overtime help the Church in Mid-Michigan and further in the United States.

When I first wrote about the Captivity of Amazing Grace Church, I wrote this:

“Just as a donkey spoke to the false prophet Balaam, so to do donkeys speak to Mark T. Barclay today, but these donkeys are only analogous to the dumbness of the animal. The donkeys I am referring to are the men who I have mentioned before in Barclay’s own Preacher of Righteousness Network. These men are theological anorexics who flatter Barclay even as he is in deep error.”

While I still think that statement is true. I think it’s even worse, because of the radical acceptance of heresy that runs across the board in regards to the prophet ministry of Mark T. Barclay.

Helps Ministry

Helps Ministry

These men who have been trained by Mark T. Barclay are absolute stupids in Pauline terms! For many of the men can’t think theologically beyond cleaning toilets in the help’s ministry at Barclay’s own church….(Yes, they are theologically dumb as the back side of Balaam’s donkey!)

So the reality is when this blog wrote with concise examples about how Mark T. Barclay by his own evil has not only categorically denied the Trinity, but has taught heretically on this central doctrine. These men have the extreme audacity to come back and say that he has done differently. Well, it’s an astonishing show of their absolute ignorance of basic Biblical Christianity….!

“We call him Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. You are made after the image of God. You are a spirit…you have a soul…you live in a body. God’s a three-part being. Humans were created by God in Eden as a three-part being.” Mark T. Barclay-The names of God part two.

These men show knowing more about Mark T. Barclay’s ‘neat’ sock drawer, than Christian doctrine!(And they have the nerve to called that bible college). I mean, for Pete’s sake, when was having a tidy sock drawer an character of a man of God? I thought it was sound doctrine! Well, Gandhi, probably had a perfect sock drawer, if he even wore socks that is…

But on a more serious note, this coincides with one recent poll reported that atheist and agnostics know more about the Bible and Christian doctrine much better than Evangelicals. Mormons and Jewish believers came in second place. From the standpoint of this blog and from my interaction with Mark T. Barclay Preacher of Righteousness network leaders. I’d say the ignorance is even worse with men who are under Barclay’s leadership.

For example in Mark T. Barclay’s Minister of Righteousness Network, we can see this from the teachings of Chuck Seeley, who also is a Mayor of Breckenridge, Michigan. Not only is he a mayor, but he is also the worship leader at Amazing Grace Church.

I used Charlie, because his views reflect the great evil by way of false teachings that have come out of Amazing Grace Church in Wheeler, Michigan, which is under Mark T. Barclay’s leadership. For Chuck Seeley, will point blank tell anyone that Pelagius was a christian saint.

I personally know this, because I heard Richard Jolliff teach it and I confronted Chuck Seeley privately through email and Seeley emphatically wrote me back that Pelagius was indeed a saint and not a heretic. Even though in reality, every bit of history describes Pelagius and Pelagianism differently.

Pelagius (354 – 420?) a British monk famous for his piety, but declared a heretic for denying original sin.

Who was Pelagius? He was a preacher of righteousness and very moral like Gandhi, but don’t let his morality preaching fool you. Pelagius was an evil heretic and condemned by more Church councils than any other heretic in the history of Christianity.

And not only condemned heretic, Pelagius’s teachings are behind the most heinous crimes in the history of humanity. Like the ones committed byhitler Nazi Germany against God’s chosen people, the Jews, the child medical experiments at Auschwitz and all the other horrors of World War II were all spawned from the man Pelagius who Chuck Seeley heretically teaches was a saint.

William P. Farley writes for the Assembly of God’s Enrichment Journal:

The opposite is also true. Failure to emphasize the doctrine of sin usually amplifies evil. The better we feel about ourselves the worse we usually become. In the 20th century, Pelagian ideals have unleashed untold horrors. All the utopian movements of the last 100 years — Communism, Fascism, and Nazism — started and built on Pelagian assumptions about man.

So as a minister and mayor, why would Chuck Seeley teach that Pelagius was a saint even when Pelagian ideas were behind Nazism? It’s the same horrible reason why Richard Jolliff of the same church would let Mark T. Barclay act like Hitler in the damnation of Protestant Christianity at Amazing Grace Church.

It’s an example of their great darkness that works against the Church and humanity. Men who are led by the spirit of error along with their leader and prophet Mark T. Barclay. Men, proven to have no regard for Biblical Christianity. Openly teaching evil so great that it’s not only heretical in regards to the Trinity, but it’s also murderous in regards to God’s people!

Children medical experiments

Children medical experiments, Auschwitz

Without doubt and by facts alone we know what these men teach by the simple truth of what they teach. It’s not rocket science here! The sad thing is that it’s obvious that Mark T. Barclay’s followers don’t read the bible. Nor are they submitted to the authority of Scripture, because they are unable to recognize great error even on basic Biblical doctrines as the Trinity.

The truth is that Mark T. Barclay’s teaching on the Trinity is evil. For he teaches that the one God doesn’t eternally exist as three distinct persons-the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  But instead Barclay teaches that God is made up or composed of parts, which is heretical and is the worse Trinitarian heresy in the history of Christianity.

“His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person.” Hebrews 1:2-3 KJV

Frankly, there is no way that any verse in regards to the Godhead can be rendered as “parts” or a “part”, because it would have been translated so by the New Testament translators.  We can easily make this conclusion, because even the Authorized Version doesn’t support such aweful hermeneutics as in Mark T. Barclay’s heresy….

And the express image of his person; this intends much the same as the other phrase; namely, equality and sameness of nature, and distinction of persons; for if the Father is God, Christ must be so too; and if he is a person, his Son must be so likewise, or he cannot be the express image and character of him.Bible Study Tools

It’s just more proof directly from Scripture itself that Mark T. Barclay is in deep heretical error and is worshiping and prophesying by a different Christ who is not the Father’s express image of His “person”.

The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Orthodox doctrine of the Person of Christ is not a Calvinist doctrine though it’s held by Calvinist believers, nor is the Trinity just a Pentecostal or Charismatic doctrine! But it’s a shared doctrine by the Church.

So, when this blog or any other theologian writes about the Doctrine of the Trinity, we end up quoting a vast range of theologians and pastors from all across the Body of Christ, space and time. Because of this, we can say that the defining doctrines that separate the Kingdom of Christ from the Kingdom of Cults are these central doctrines of the Trinity and the Person of Christ.

And on top of that, we need to quote what Scripture has stated, because as we can see. Mark T. Barclay’s teaching on the Trinity is not for one second supported by Scripture alone nor by Christian orthodoxy and historically has been condemned as heresy.

Most bankers will know a counterfeit dollar bill from a real dollar bill by what it feels like. And in a very similar way by comparison, we know that beyond a shadow of doubt that Mark T. Barclay is a counterfeit and a great liar, along with being a heretic by what he falsely teaches and prophesies.

In other words, just as counterfeit bills can be identified by those who used them. We, also know that Mark T. Barclay when compared to the hitler-e-mussoliniChurch’s orthodox teachings and the Bible concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity and the Person of Christ that Mark T. Barclay is a counterfeit.

In closing, Barclay and his faithful my use ad hominems against this blog and blogger, but it doesn’t change the truth that he is a heretic and his ministry is a dangerous cult. And that goes also for other men in Barclay’s Preacher of Righteousness network like Chuck Seeley.

As we’ve seen above, Pelagius was no saint, but he was a heretic, and historically a condemned heretic and his teaching is responsible for the Third Reich and the medical experiments on jewish children and the murder of millions of God’s people under Hitler’s Germany.

Mark T. Barclay’s Holy Spirit Conference 2013: The Counterfeit Spirit by Ken Mattson

 “In Genesis Chapter 1, it defines the Trinity of God, the three parts of God.” Theologian and Prophet, Mark T. Barclay[1]

 In this new blog post, I want to build upon what was already said concerning Mark T. Barclay’s destructive teachings against the Evangelical doctrine of the Trinity, but first I would like to do a refresh for those who are just tuning in.

 By denying the Persons of the Trinity and teaching that the Godhead is composed of parts like his son Josh. Mark T. Barclay is a heretic and teaching the worst heresy to ever affected and infected the Church.

 Furthermore, we can conclude along with the Creedal statements of the Historical Church that Mark T. Barclay not only has a different God by teaching heretically, but also a different Christ, like all other cults and false religions.

 The doctrine of the Trinity is so basic in Scripture, that it is a non-negotiable doctrine in Christianity. So, when a heretic teaches falsely on the Trinity, a dangerous chain reaction occurs in other foundational doctrines and one immediate catastrophe happens in Christology.

 “Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.” 1 John 2:22-23

 How can I say that Mark T. Barclay has a different Christ? Well, it is not me who has, but Scripture speaks for itself and the Christ who is self-revealed in Scripture is personal and not only a person, but fully God and fully man. He is not a part of God, but he is fully God as with the other members of the Holy Trinity.

 Here is a little side note: Central teachings in Scripture regarding the Lord Jesus Christ, like the Hypostatic union are attacked by Mark T. Barclay’s Trinitarian heresy and not only by him, but other false prophets from other cults do the same in regards to Christology.[2]

 Only persons interact with others and we see this interaction in Holy Scripture between the Persons of the Trinity. Moreover, the Holy Spirit is not just a part as Mark T. Barclay falsely teaches, but the Spirit is fully God, being Lord. The Holy Spirit is personal, lovingly interacting with the other members of the Holy Trinity and the Church.

 So, by this we can conclude that Mark T. Barclay not only has the wrong Trinity, but by doing so. Barclay like other cults and false teachers has the wrong spirit and not the Holy Spirit.

 The Spirit revealed in the Bible and who was poured out on the Church is fully God and is Lord. He is not a part as Mark T. Barclay heretically teaches, but is personal, being the third Person in the Godhead.

 “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land?  Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” Acts 5:3-4

 The above passage specifically teaches that Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit and here I would like to point out that only persons can be lied to. Peter also being a strict monotheist referred to the Spirit as God. He knew that there is only one God and yet he referred to the Holy Spirit as God.

 The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons–the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In other words, God is one in essence and three in person. These definitions express three very important truths: 1. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons, 2. Each Person is fully God, 3. There is only one God.

 There are dozens of Trinitarian passages in the bible, but let us look at another important one regarding the Logos.

 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” John 1:1-4

 Who is the Word in reference to? Well it is Jesus, the eternal Son of God, who is the Word. We easily find that out by reading further in verse 14 and “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

 Here in John, the Word of God indicates distinction and not only distinction, but also indicates identity within the unity of the Godhead. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not different parts or forms or components appearing in one God, but on the contrary! Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are present from the beginning(eternity), which suggest a relationship of close personal intimacy.

 In the Greek, John 1.1 refers to a face to face relationship between the members of the Trinity. It is so important to point out here that ‘if’ the Trinity was made up of parts as Mark T. Barclay teaches, than a face to face relationship would be impossible, because there would be no way that Josh Barclay ‘being made of three parts’ could speak to himself face to face. The New Testament never endorses the idea that the Trinity is made up of parts.

 It is clearly heretical to teach that God is made up of parts! Mark T. Barclay, like the Jehovah Witnesses have warped the Orthodox doctrine of the Trinity by denying the co-equal and co-eternal Persons of the Trinity.

 To the Jehovah Witnesses, the Word is less than deity and not fully God, but is a god and to Mark T. Barclay, the Word is just a part of God. Furthermore, Barclay denies the Word is the Second Person in the Holy Trinity by teaching, “He’s just one, he’s just got three parts”.

Athanasius Mark T. Barclay and the Jehovah Witnesses have sister heresies condemned by the Church. Saint Athanasius describes Barclay as a woman, whose father is the devil. So for those who perceive your prophet as an ‘Elder Statesman’. Well, the famous Church father has demoted Mark T. Barclay to his rightful place as an ‘elder sister’. (((insert  laugh))) Yep, the Father of Nicene orthodoxy just made fun of Mark T. Barclay!

 “But, whereas one heresy, and that the last, which has now risen as harbinger of Antichrist, the Arian, as it is called, considering that other heresies, her elder sisters, have been openly proscribed, in her craft and cunning, affects to array herself in Scripture language , like her father the devil, and is forcing her way back into the Church’s paradise.” Against the Arians by Saint Athanasius

 So, by teaching heretically on the Godhead. Mark T. Barclay not only attacks the Evangelical doctrine of the Trinity, but he also attacks the deity of Christ. There is no way around it! If Christ was only a part of God, than the Apostle John would have not referenced the Word as God, ‘the Word was God’ , nor identified him distinctly from the Father.

 “Those that permit the Holy Spirit to be their Father. Those who will allow the Holy Spirit, remember he’s not a third Person, he is God made up of three parts just like…my son Josh and his soul is not somebody else and his spirit is not someone else, and so I got to decipher…Now there’s not three people, it’s just one Josh three parts. There’s not three Gods, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, he’s just one. He’s just got three parts. So this great Holy Spirit wants to father you.” Jesus, the Command Giver – Mark T. Barclay

 Prophetically addressing Mark T. Barclay’s heresy, the Father of Nicene orthodoxy writes:

 “As we said above, so now we repeat, that the divine generation must not be compared to the nature of men nor the Son considered to be part of God nor the generation to imply any passion whatever; God is not as man; for men beget passibly, having a transitive nature, which waits for periods by reason of its weakness. But with God this cannot be; for He is not composed of parts, but being impassible and simple, He is impassibly and indivisibly Father of the Son.” Discourse 1:28 Against the Arians by Saint Athanasius

 In dealing with the Arian heresy, Saint Athanasius also deals with Mark T. Barclay’s heresy.

 So, it is pretty clear that Barclay’s heretical teaching on the Trinity is not only one heresy, but it is also partially Arianism. By the way, for those who are wondering. The modern Arians are non-other than the Jehovah Witnesses, who hold to a modified version of Arianism.

 If the Church, through Christian orthodoxy recognizes the Jehovah Witnesses, who are the modern day Arians have a different Jesus and gospel. Then by the same orthodoxy, we can and should be also able to conclude that Mark T. Barclay has a different God and Christ, by teaching a heretically on the Trinity.

 We have to be fair with this, or we will end up breaking the law of non-contradiction, which we would do so by saying that one group is heretical by having a teaching outside Christian orthodoxy and then saying another group like Mark T. Barclay is not by propagating the same type of heresy condemned by the Church through the Councils and Creeds.

 It is important to remember that when the Church formulated the orthodox statements in the Apostles and the Nicene Creeds, they were formulated before the whole Church initially split between the East and West. So, it was the whole leadership of the Church with one voice gathering to deal with Mark T. Barclay’s heresy and condemned it along with the Arians.

 The doctrinal statements like the Trinity, the Person of Christ, the Atonement, Original Sin, and the Resurrection are so foundational in Christianity. These doctrines form the line of demarcation between heresy and orthodoxy and they also form the line of demarcation between the Kingdom of Christ and the Kingdom of the Cults. These teachings are so important, because the Gospel itself rest upon them.

 “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.”   2 Peter 2:1-3


 1.“In heaven Jesus was not known as Jesus, he was known as the word. In Genesis Chapter 1 it defines the Trinity of God, the three parts of God. You are made by the way after his image, three parts. There was a Creator, he was later called Jehovah, there was his word, later on when he come here. God said you call this baby, not the Word, but Jesus which really means Yahshua…. which really means the savior….So this Word in heaven he was the Word and then of course the bible talks about the Spirit of God there hovering over the creation of God. So there was the Creator he spoke through the power of his word……now these aren’t three different people. We teach them sorta, kinda almost as three different people for the sake of teaching. Now that Creator, Word and Spirit for the sake of man understanding and relating was changed by God, you can read it in the Scriptures, I know you know this, forgive me this so elementary. But it was changed to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father, the Creator, the Son of God really the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us….and then the Spirit, the great Holy Spirit……So you are three parts right after the image of God.” Mark T. Barclay, Jesus, the command giver.

 2. The Hypostatic Union is the union of the two natures (Divine and human) in the Person of Jesus and is so basic to Christianity. If Christ is only a part(like the other members of the Holy Trinity) and not a Person in the Godhead, as Mark T. Barclay teaches. Then there can be no Hypostatic Union, thus undermining the gospel itself by paralyzing the central eschatological figure in all Scripture, who is Christ.

“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.” John 5:39

I just would like to say many blessings to all who have read the blog and followed it through last year.

Top Post for 2012

Top Post for 2012

Until it was confirmed by Barclay himself, I only knew out of inference before 2012 that Mark T. Barclay was teaching falsely on the Trinity. It was from Barclay’s clear lack of understanding basic teachings such as the saving nature of grace, justification by faith, sanctification/holiness, union with Christ, and the resurrection of Christ that I knew it.

I even thought for a long time that Mark T. Barclay was just fumbling like other Word-faith teachers at basic Christian doctrine. The clarity of the Gospel was missing in both Barclay’s books and teachings, and this is because the Trinity was missing, which furnishes the keys to all other doctrines in the entire Bible, thus Mark T. Barclay was teaching a different Christ and prophesying by a different Christ. Moreover, Mark T. Barclay is a heretic who just doesn’t fumble at basic Christian doctrine like many of his pastor followers, but Mark is a false teacher as the Church has declared and self-condemned as Scripture says about other heretics, because of his evil teachings on the Godhead.

A “God” who is made up of parts as Barclay heretically teaches can’t save. Only the Triune Jehovah of Scripture who the Church has faithfully preached saves. The  glorious God who is alone Triune in personality, being God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit is the only one true God and Saviour, because it took all members of the divine Trinity to redeem sinfully lost mankind.

So, if you are reading this blog and you don’t know God, and you want to personally know God who is Triune and glorious, you can. It takes repentance and belief. No sin is small and an all sin deserves damnation. Only through believing and totally trusting in Christ can you be saved from eternal hell and have eternal life and given the gift of righteousness. Only by resting on Christ alone and by grace alone can you receive justification and eternal life.




1. Mark T. Barclay and the Prosperity Gospel.

2. An Assessment on Mark T. Barclay’s False Prophecies Part 2.

3. Mark T. Barclay and Modalism: The Man Outside Ecclesia.

4. Mark T. Barclay Vs George W. Bush.

5. Mark T. Barclay and Modalism: Cult

Mark T. Barclay and Modalism: Cult by Ken Mattson

In this post, I want to explore what is a cult and what differentiates Mark T. Barclay Ministries, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others like the Mormons from Christian orthodoxy. As we have seen before in the last few post, like other heretical groups Mark T. Barclay’s teaching on the Holy Trinity is much different than what the Church has taught for the last 2000 years, from the time of the Apostles and to what was ratified in 325 A.D at Nicaea and handed down by the Church fathers in the Nicene Creed. 

The Church has stated along with the authority of the Bible that God is divine eternal persons and not parts or manifestations, but one God in three eternal, and co-equal persons, being God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Whereas Barclay[1] has taught that there was change in the Godhead and they are not persons, but one God with three parts, like his son Josh being body, soul and spirit. The Church clearly condemned Mark T. Barclay’s teaching as heresy, because it is a terrible distortion of the doctrine of the Trinity revealed in Scripture and it is outside Christian orthodoxy.

Partialism …taught that Father, Son and Holy Spirit together are components of the one God. This led them to believe that each of the persons of the Trinity is only part God, only becoming fully God when they come together.” Trinitarian Heresies

So what is a cult and why is Mark T. Barclay Ministries, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others considered by the Church as cults and teaching heresy? The answer is because their teachings are not orthodox in that they have distorted cardinal teachings like the Trinity, the Person of Christ, and the saving nature of Grace.

Here are a few quotes from a few experts, including Walter Martin.

A cult, then, is a group of people polarized around someone’s interpretation of the Bible and is characterized by major deviations from orthodox Christianity relative to the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith, particularly the fact that God became man in Jesus Christ” (Walter Martin, The Rise of the Cults, p. 12).

A cult is any group that deviates from the orthodox teachings of the historic Christian faith being derived from the Bible and confirmed through the ancient ecumenical creeds.” CRI

Pseudo-Christian CultsThese groups deny or distort fundamental Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and salvation by grace through faith alone. Some cults that would fall into this category are the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, The Way International, and the Unity School of Christianity.” CRI

The Nicene Creed says:

“We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being or substance(homoousion) with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary and became truly human.”[2]

Here we can learn that Mark T. Barclay not only has the doctrine of the Trinity wrong, but as stated briefly before he also has Christology wrong. The Creed above says that Christ is light from light and God from God. The early Church fathers against false doctrines concerning the nature of Christ stated along with the authority of Scripture that Christ is indeed fully God and fully man, not a part, but the Second Person in the divine Trinity.

Hebrews 1:1-4 says, “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. 3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.”

The verse I want to focus on is verse 3 which states that, “He(Christ) is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature”. In other translations like the NIV it says the “exact representation” like in the production of perfect coins being imaged stamped which in greek it is “charakter” meaning “exact duplicate” of the nature or being(Greek hypostasis) of God the Father in every way. Moreover, whatever God the Father has in attribute and power the Son has and is an exact duplicate of the Father’s being or substance.[3]

The image stamped on coins, seals, wax, expresses the idea: and the sense here is, that if God be represented under the idea of a substance, or being, then Christ is the exact resemblance of that – as an image is of the stamp or die. The resemblance between a stamp and the figure which is impressed is exact; and so is the resemblance between the Redeemer and God”.[4]

So thus far, though contrary to what groups like Mark T. Barclay Ministries and Jehovah Witnesses teach. We have learned from Scripture that the Lord Jesus is the exact representation of the Father, an exact duplicate of his being (hypostasis). We also can learn from this passage that there are personal distinctions in the Godhead and different but united roles in redemption. The Father is the Father and the Son is the Son and not the Father, nor is the Father the Son. There is no confusion of persons, but they are one.[5]

If Christ is a duplicate of the Father’s exact nature of being(hypostasis) from the passage we unpacked above, then what does Scripture say about him? Well, Scripture tells an entirely different Christ than cults falsely teach. The Lord Jesus is not only an exact duplicate of God the Father’s being, but in Jesus dwells all the fullness of deity in body form.

Colossians 2:9 For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily,”

1 Timothy 3:16 “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.”

John 1:18 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

John 14:8-9Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.”

Colossians 1:15-16 “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities―all things were created through him and for him.”

As we can see from the Scriptures above, Mark T. Barclay like other heretics utterly fail at proper exegesis of Scripture and this is because he is teaching by the spirit of error. Christ is not just ‘a part’ of God as Barclay falsely teaches, but Jesus is fully God, being the only begotten Son. If all fullness of deity dwells bodily in Christ, then we also know that of course all fullness of deity dwells in the other persons of the Trinity. Meaning, the Father who Christ exactly duplicates is fully God, and the person of the Holy Spirit is also fully God.

So does this mean that there are three gods? No, the doctrine of the Trinity states that God is simultaneously one and three. The Trinity is a mystery, but we know that all persons are fully God and that there is only one God. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, each person is fully God, but there is only one God.

Ephesians 4:5-6 “There is one body and one Spirit just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”

So using a little deduction we learn: 1. All Cults deviate from orthodoxy. 2. Mark T. Barclay Ministries deviates from orthodoxy. 3. Therefore, Mark T. Barclay Ministries is a cult. 

So using a little deduction we learn: 1. All Cults deviate from orthodoxy. 2. Mark T. Barclay Ministries deviates from orthodoxy. 3. Therefore, Mark T. Barclay Ministries is a cult. So it is perfectly and legally right to use the word ‘cult’ when referring to Mark T. Barclay and his ministry at Living Word International and his Preacher of Righteousness Network,[6] because Mark has deviated “from the orthodox teachings of the historic Christian faith being derived from the Bible and confirmed through the ancient ecumenical creeds.”[7]

Those that permit the Holy Spirit to be their Father. Those who will allow the Holy Spirit, remember he’s not a third Person, he is God made up of three parts just likemy son Josh and his soul is not some body else and his spirit is not someone else, and so I got to decipher…….Now there’s not three people, it’s just one Josh three parts. There’s not three Gods, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, he’s just one. He’s just got three parts. So this great Holy Spirit wants to father you.” Jesus, the Command Giver – Mark T. Barclay[8]


1. “In heaven Jesus was not known as Jesus, he was known as the Word. In Genesis Chapter. 1, it defines the Trinity of God, the three parts of God. You are made by the way after his image, three parts. There was a Creator, he was later called Jehovah. There was his word, later on when he come here God said you call this baby, not the Word, but Jesus which really means Yahshua….and then of course the bible talks about the Spirit of God……now these aren’t three different people. We teach them sorta, kinda almost as three different people for the sake of teaching. Now that Creator, Word and Spirit for the sake of man understanding and relating was changed by God, you can read it in the Scriptures, I know you know this, forgive me this so elementary. But it was changed to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Mark T. Barclay, Jesus the command giver.

2. Nicene Creed

3. Wayne Grudem, An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, Pg. 236.

4. Barnes notes on the bible.

5. The Jesus that Mark T. Barclay is preaching is a different Jesus…..Any so called hired “cult expert” by Barclay should have figured that out if indeed their credentials where true, but then again money can buy many things, including so called experts with shady backgrounds and financial problems.

6. I am sorry to inform many of you who say that “Mark T. Barclay is my pastor”. Mark T. Barclay cannot be your pastor, because he is not in your church administering Word and Sacrament on a weekly or even bi-weekly basis. Only on a cultic level can Mark T. Barclay be ‘your pastor’. Just think of all the tithes and offerings that you robbed your own church of and has gone into the hands of a cult!


8.The doctrine of the Trinity “furnishes the key to all other doctrines”, that is how important it is to Christianity. However, if one deviates from the Scriptural basis of who God is being Trinity, its results are absolutely devastating to every other doctrine in Christianity including Christology and this is what we see Mark T. Barclay’s teachings, because it is cultic and clearly outside biblical orthodoxy. “The ancient church did in fact speak strongly on this issue, and decided that in fact the broad outlines of trinitarian Christianity are among the things necessary for salvation.” Fred Sanders


Mark T. Barclay and Modalism: Reverend Sam Cottle’s Gold by Ken Mattson

So what are your credentials? Why should I trust anything you say? For that matter why should anyone? What is your real problem with Dr. Barclay?

He Further Writes…If you knew Dr. Barclay you would realize his teaching/training to those of us credentialed with him is biblically sound. He himself states that what he is saying is not extra Biblical revelation. You have to follow his teachings more closely to understand that though. He teaches over and over that no one should blindly follow anyone. We don’t blindly follow, we have tested the relationship, the man’s life and his doctrine and all of them are shining like gold.

Relationship is what the Gospel of Jesus is all about.

Fight the fight it is for your faith!

Sam Cottle [1]

Dear Reverend Cottle,

Every believer has been given the privilege and the right to recognize false doctrine and false teachers by the third person in the Trinity. Not one of God’s children including myself needs ‘special credentials’ as you are seeking. Mr. Cottle, read your bible!

These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. 1John 2:26

But if you want to know my credentials they are such, unlike you I’ve been taught by leading biblical scholars who are Anglican, Pentecostal, Lutheran, and Reformed from all over the world and I study have studied to show myself capable. By the way, if it’s any indication by the first men who Jesus picked, you would know what the Lord Jesus thinks about degrees such as PhDs!

If you listened to sound doctrine, you would hear what I’m saying, because what I’ve wrote are things which aren’t myself, but what the church has stated over and over about who God the Trinity is and the salvation which was purchased by the Lord Jesus Christ precious sacrificial life, death and resurrection. These are things which Mark T. Barclay has twisted and erroneously taught in heretical error just like his false prophecies.

Moreover, sound doctrine does matter and those who are the true church, which some have called the invisible church will listen. They are whom who will hear what I’m am saying, those who are children of God by grace of adoption and true members of Christ by sanctification of the Holy Spirit. You Samuel, though are very ignorant of basic christian doctrine such as the teachings on who Christ is being the God-man, the Holy Trinity, and the saving nature of Grace by the substitutionary atonement of Christ. Teachings that are central to the gospel are not in your vocabulary, but Barclay is.

fool’s gold

I say all of that because you have stated that you and your other Preacher of Righteousness members have tested your relationship with Mark T. Barclay and “the man’s life and his doctrine and all of them are shining like gold.” That’s absolutely frightening that you would say something like that and you are a pastor, given Mark T. Barclay’s heretical teaching on the Holy Trinity. Heresy doesn’t get more clearer, but then again you are very ignorant!

God is triune; there are within the Godhead three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the work of salvation is one in which all three act together, the Father purposing redemption, the Son securing it and the Spirit applying it.[2]

I have come to the conclusion that you don’t know what sound doctrine is or even care what the bible and the church has stated about who God is three in one, eternally Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity is so completely foundational in Christian doctrine that all other doctrines in the New Testament are connected to it and Barclay clearly stands outside Biblical orthodoxy and Evangelicalism teaching that God is parts and not persons and teaching their eternal names were changed. Which teachings are so completely erroneous such things only heretics have taught.

This will probably be a shocker to you, but what Mark T. Barclay teaches is extra-biblical, because his formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity isn’t found in Scripture and you are ignorant enough to write me that his doctrine is as good as shining gold. Now, Mr. Cottle, you couldn’t of tested that upon Scripture and it’s very possible that your ignorance is from deception, because you’ve believed a lie over the biblical truth of the Trinity.

True worship must be governed by God’s self-revelation as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The church throughout history has endeavored to be faithful to this truth in her liturgy with constant affirmation of the Trinitarian faith as in the singing of Trinitarian hymns as the Doxology. Thus, true worship is Trinitarian and only. It’s not just Jesus nor singling out one of the other members of the personal Trinity, but worship is rendered to the Father through the Son and in the Holy Spirit.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;


Furthermore, worship garners its sharpest focus in the Eucharistic celebration and the church is most truly the church as it celebrates both the Eucharist and baptism. This is the Trinitarian pattern of worship the Lord Jesus Himself gave to his church and has been celebrated by Christians for thousands of years. This is in stark contrast to Mark T. Barclay’s liturgy which is based on Word-faith tradition.[4] Such practices are not Eucharistic nor Trinitarian, but centers on the unsound exhortation of the offering time, which were born out of the heretical prosperity gospel and thus have warped the means of Grace.

I wont even ask you if you believe in the Evangelical doctrine of the Trinity, because you clearly don’t have a correct understanding of who God is and isn’t. Nor do you worship as the church has worshipped in Trinity by following Barclay’s heresy. Mr. Cuttle, you clearly need deep repentance as Mark T. Barclay, because with other heretics Barclay stand outside the church.

In Christ alone,


P.S. Mr. Cottle, I would like to thank you for advising me to follow Mark T. Barclay’s teachings more closely. It was only out of inference that I knew Barclay didn’t understand basic bible doctrine like the Trinity and the saving nature of grace, but now I know straight from the horses mouth.[5]

P.S.S. You better get that gold checked out again, because according to the church’s creedal statements and liturgy you’re holding fools gold!



  1. Wednesday Feb 8, 2011. “Ken, So what are your credentials? Why should I trust anything you say? For that matter why should anyone? What is your real problem with Dr. Barclay? You can argue politics if you want to, that seems like what this blog and email is all about. You can quote all you want about the CIA, George Bush, and whomever. I have spoken with those on the ground fighting the battle. There is no point in that argument believe what you will and so will I. Why are there military documents that are classified for years before they are made public information? If you knew Dr. Barclay you would realize his teaching/training to those of us credentialed with him is biblically sound. He himself states that what he is saying is not extra Biblical revelation.  You have to follow his teachings more closely to understand that though.  He teaches over and over that no one should blindly follow anyone. We don’t blindly follow, we have tested the relationship, the man’s life and his doctrine and all of them are shining like gold. Relationship is what the Gospel of Jesus is all about. Fight the fight it is for your faith! Sam Cottle What is your real problem with him because the rest of this is just the mask?”
  1. Knowing God by J.I. Packer,
  2. The Doxology sang by David Crowder
  1. Pulpit dominated ‘word’ churches resemble mosques.
  2. Moreover, the lack of the Gospel in Mark T. Barclay’s preaching is a manifestation from the lack of trinitarian theology or it could be said the other way around. The lack of the Trinity in Mark T. Barclay’s preaching is because of the lack of the Gospel and this can be said of others who preach the Prosperity Gospel like Kenneth Copland who has publicly stated heretical ideas of the God-head resembling that of Mormonism.” Mark T. Barclay and the Prosperity Gospel Part II

Mark T. Barclay and Modalism by Ken Mattson

In heaven Jesus was not known as Jesus, he was known as the Word. In Genesis Chapter. 1, it defines the Trinity of God, the three parts of God. You are made by the way after his image, three parts. There was a Creator, he was later called Jehovah. There was his word, later on when he come here God said you call this baby, not the Word, but Jesus which really means Yahshua….and then of course the bible talks about the Spirit of God……now these aren’t three different people. We teach them sorta, kinda almost as three different people for the sake of teaching. Now that Creator, Word and Spirit for the sake of man understanding and relating was changed by God, you can read it in the Scriptures, I know you know this, forgive me this so elementary. But it was changed to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Mark T. Barclay, Jesus the command giver. [1]

So what do we learn from Mark T. Barclay’s teaching on the Trinity? 1. That God is three parts. 2. God is not persons. ‘People language’ is only used for the sake of teaching, 3. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not their eternal identity. 4. It’s drastically different from the biblical orthodox doctrine of the Trinity. 5. Barclay is not a theologian nor a biblical scholar as he claims.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is from eternity……..and everything to the contrary must be rejected as heretical.” Thomas Aquinas [2]

About the only thing that Barclay gets right in this definition is the name ‘Trinity’, but his definition is heresy, because it’s not the truth found in Scripture. As we will see below this is warped and touches on the heresy of Modalism, which denies the ontologically distinct persons of the Holy Trinity. So for Barclay to teach that the persons of the Godhead are merely parts instead of persons is serious and heretical and stands outside Christian orthodoxy. [3]

One of the striking realities in both Barclay’s books, teachings and worship services is the lack of Trinitarianism and it’s easy to see why with such devastatingly definitions as we see above. In one single swoop Barclay dismantles biblical orthodoxy and the chain reaction to other biblical doctrines is cataclysmic.

I say cataclysmic, because in Barclay’s preaching and teaching we don’t find a clear understanding of the orthodox teaching of justification by faith, nor sanctification which both are by the substitutionary atonement of Christ. Those teachings which are central to the gospel are just not found and it’s caused from this chain reaction of not understanding the Trinity. In other words, the domino effect is detrimental not only to other doctrines but to the gospel itself. The gospel is Trinitarian in shape, because salvation proceeds from the Holy Trinity.

The Trinity is the foundation of the Christian faith, but the church has also stated that it’s a mystery. God is love, because he is Trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not nicknames but is the proper name for the God of the bible. They weren’t changed to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as Barclay falsely teaches, but they are eternal. The Father uncreated and eternal, the Son uncreated and eternal, the Spirit uncreated and eternal. Their biblical names correspond to who they are and their relations to one another first and then to creation. [4]

Neither do we confound the persons nor divide the substance. The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father, nor is the Spirit the Son or the Father. They are eternally united and distinct persons, the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God, but there are not three Gods, but one God. [5]

“We understand equality to be in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, inasmuch as no one of them either precedes in eternity, or excels in greatness, or surpasses in power.” Saint Augustine [6]

So what is the biblical definition of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity?

The doctrine of the Trinity is there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In other words, God is one in essence and three in person. These definitions express three important truths: 1. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct persons, 2. Each person is fully God, 3. There is only one God.

This is what the Church has believed and it has reflected this in its historical writings and creeds for the last 20 centuries. Early church fathers saw these threats similar to Dr. Mark T. Barclay’s definition as heresy and ultimately threats to the Gospel itself. The Godhead is indeed real persons and the early church fathers in the face of attacks such as Arianism and Modalism labored on the truth that God is simultaneously one and three. Not three manifestations nor creatures, or parts, but God is three distinct persons, yet one in essence or substance, “tres Personae, una Substantia.” Church Father Tertillian 160-225 AD[7]

There is but one living and true God, everlasting, without body, parts, or passions; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; the Maker, and Preserver of all things both visible and invisible. And in unity of this Godhead there be three Persons, of one substance, power, and eternity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.  Thirty-nine Articles

Barclay also has his Christology wrong and is this from his refusal to acknowledge the Eternal distinct persons of the Trinity being Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Son is the eternal only begotten Word(Logos)of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only begotten Son of the Father, the Second person in the divine Trinity.

Moreover, though the Lord Jesus Christ was the pre-incarnate Word his name wasn’t changed to ‘Son’ as Barclay teaches. On top of that Barclay shouldn’t be so quick to correct even the apostle Paul who when writing of the preexistence of the Son referred to him as Christ Jesus. Christ didn’t become the Son at his incarnation, but was already in existence as the Son, a person present with God the Father from all eternity.

Jesus Christ, then is the eternal Son of God, the second person of the Trinity. He is God the Son first for Trinitarian reasons and when he became incarnate he became the son of Mary, the promised son of David, the Messiah.

Without the Trinity there is no salvation, because salvation proceeds from the persons of the Trinity. The father so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son and whoever believes in Him shall be saved. This salvation, the eternal redemptive work of Christ is then applied to the believer by the ministry of the third person, the Holy Spirit.[8]

The more we explore and understand the depths of God’s commitment to salvation, the more we have to come to grips with the triunity of the one God. The deeper we dig into the gospel, the deeper we go into the mystery of the Trinity.” Fred Sanders [9]

It’s no wonder why Barclay gets Christian history like Calvinism wrong like he preached at Amazing Grace Church in Wheeler, Michigan, it’s because he doesn’t understand basic doctrine. He has proven it time and time again. Church history and bible doctrine go hand in hand and Mark’s heretical definition on the Trinity found above clearly stands outside biblical orthodoxy.

Moreover, Dr. Mark T. Barclay cannot call himself evangelical without an orthodox understanding and teaching of the divine persons of the Trinity. No matter what’s on paper or a statement of beliefs, what really matters is what he is teaching. In Mark T. Barclay’s ministry statement of beliefs it states that God is Triune, but when worked out theologically by himself it is not only deficient but doctrinally outside biblical orthodoxy, because his definition is heretical.

This isn’t something new though, because many Word-faith ministers do exactly the same who are part of the Prosperity Gospel. They appear to teach biblical orthodoxy with a statement of beliefs posted on their website, but in reality they vomit falsity. For example Kenneth Copland has teachings concerning the Godhead which resemble that of Mormonism.

It’s easy to see the doctrinal destructiveness of Mark T. Barclay’s heretical teaching on the Holy Trinity. From the eternal persons of the Trinity, to the Person of Christ which is Christology, to the redemptive work of Christ, his substitutionary atonement and doctrines like justification, sanctification of the believer are all corrupted by the domino effect from an warped doctrine of the Trinity. Without the Trinity one has a different gospel and a different god and not the Triune God of the bible.

Barclay’s definition is heresy because its not the truth and like his false prophecies is a fabrication of lies.

What need would there be of the gospel, which is the substance of the New Covenant, laying down (as it does) that the Law and the Prophets lasted until John the Baptist, if thenceforward the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are not both believed in as Three, and as making One Only God? God was pleased to renew His covenant with man in such a way as that His Unity might be believed in, after a new manner, through the Son and the Spirit, in order that God might now be known openly, in His proper Names and Persons, who in ancient times was not plainly understood, though declared through the Son and the Spirit. Away, then, with those “Antichrists who deny the Father and the Son.”Church Father, Tertullian, Against Praxeas written before 208A.D.[10]



1.“In heaven Jesus was not known as Jesus, he was known as the word. In Genesis Chapter 1 it defines the Trinity of God, the three parts of God. You are made by the way after his image, three parts. There was a Creator, he was later called Jehovah, there was his word, later on when he come here. God said you call this baby, not the Word, but Jesus which really means Yahshua…. which really means the savior….So this Word in heaven he was the Word and then of course the bible talks about the Spirit of God there hovering over the creation of God. So there was the Creator he spoke through the power of his word……now these aren’t three different people. We teach them sorta, kinda almost as three different people for the sake of teaching. Now that Creator, Word and Spirit for the sake of man understanding and relating was changed by God, you can read it in the Scriptures, I know you know this, forgive me this so elementary. But it was changed to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father, the Creator, the Son of God really the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us….and then the Spirit, the great Holy Spirit……So you are three parts right after the image of God.” Mark T. Barclay, Jesus, the command giver.

2. Summa Theologica by Saint Thomas Aquinas, written 1265-1274 A.D

3. Modalism is a “heretical view that denies the individual persons of the Trinity. [It] views biblical terminology of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as merely modes of existence or manifestations of the one God”

Mark T. Barclay’s denial of the real persons of the Godhead and his insistence that they are parts is akin and a form of Modalism.

Modalism is probably the most common theological error concerning the nature of God.  It is a denial of the Trinity. Modalism states that God is a single person who, throughout biblical history, has revealed Himself in three modes, or forms.

The church rejected modelism as a heresy. It is clearly unbiblical, for the three persons enter transaction with one another. Jesus prays to the Father(John 17); the Father speaks from heaven while Jesus is on earth(Matt 3:17). The Father and the Son together send the Spirit into the world(John 14:16), and the spirit bears witness to Jesus.” John M. Frame, Salvation belongs to the Lord.

4. “Overall, the relations of the three are summarized in the concept of love, which involves a dynamic of both giving and receiving. The persons are what they are by virtue of what they give and receive from each other. As such, they constitute the being of God, for there is no being of God underlying what the persons are to and from each other. God’s being is a being in relation, without remainder relational.” Colin E. Gunton The Promise of Trinitarian Theology, page. 143

5. Athanasian creed

6. Summa Theologica by Saint Thomas Aquinas, written 1265-1274 A.D

7.Tres Personaeuna Substantia, coined by Tertullian and means Three Persons, One Substance.

8. “Christian worship is specifically the encounter with the Triune God whose is revealed in the mystery of salvation, in the work of the Father sending the Son and the Spirit for the redemption of the World. This is why as noted above, the traditional Christian doxology was to the Father, through the Son and in the Holy Spirit.” Pentecostal Theologian Simon Chan, Liturgical Theology pg. 58.

9. The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything by Fred Sanders.

10. Church Father, Tertullian, Against Praxeas written before 208AD.